Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for John Yordan (Yorden, Jordon, Jordan)

[This seems to start in the middle of a document.]
            Of Militia in the Regt of Militia Commanded by Col. Ebenezar Cox, Genl Nicholas Herkimers Brigade.----Where he resided since the Revolutionary War and where he now lives.
            Claiment States that he served under Capt. Robert Krouse and Col. Cox and Genl Herkimer Commencing in the year 1775 Until that memorable Battle and Engagment at Oriskany, under the Command of Genl Herkimer after which time he served under the Comamnd of Capt. Adam Slyke same Company as before, and in the same Regt as previous thereto, same Brigade, than under the Command of Genl. Frederick Fisher, also at the time of the surrender of Sr. John Johnson in Winter 1776 then under the command of Genl Philip Schuyler, and Genl Herkimer, also under the Command of Col. Willett, at the time of Johnstown Battle and occasionally under the Command of Col. Willett from the year 1780, to the close of the War, twice under the command of Genl Van Rensselaer in the year 1780 the favourite Genl, to those who did not wish to engage in Battle—
            The claimant did receive no formal discharge, his only discharge is that of his wound received in Johnstown Battle by the enemy besides continuing in rendering his services, until Peace and prosperity was declared to a free Republic—he was disabled in rendering United States Service, exceeding four months.—Totally and altogether Beg leave to State some of the Names with whom claimant was personally known to, in the Revolutionary War.  Vizt, some of his emedient Neighbours Adam Garlough, Geroge Dunckle, Col. John Roof, Peter Lampert, Nicholas Dunckel, John J. Dieffendorff, Francis Dunckle, Joseph Waggoner, and Geroge Lampert, besides many others, with whom, applicant, may Establish his character, as to truth and Veracity if found Expedient.---
            He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a Pension or Annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension Roll of the agency of any State, only on that of the Agency of the State of N. :Your, as an invalid pensioner, in consequence of his wound, and that which he doth not relinquish, for reason considering himself not precluded or prohibited by the law passed 7th June 1832.
(Signed with his mark)  John Gordon
Sworn to and subscribed, the day and year aforesaid.  Geo. D. Ferguson, Clerk
            We, _____a clergyman of the Town of _____ and Nicholas Dunckle residing in the Town of Canajoharie, hereby certify that we are well acquainted with John Yordan who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration that we belief him to be exceeding Seventy five years of age, that his is reputed and believed in the Neighborhood where he resides to have been a Soldier of the Revolution, and that we concur in that opinion.__
            Sworn and subscribed, the day and year aforesaid. 
(Signed with his mark) John Gordan [then the name was crossed out.]
            And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion, after the Investigation of the matter, and after putting the Interrogatories, prescribed by the War department That the, above named applicant was a revolutionary soldier, and served as he States, and the Court further Certifies, that it appears to them, that who has signed the preceding certificate is a Clergyman in the Town of _________and County of Montgomery aforesaid, and that Nicholas Dunckle who has also signed the same is a resident in the aforesaid Town of Canajoharie and County of Montgomery and is a creditable person, and that their statement is entitled to credit.
State of N York
Montgomery County SS
            On the 13th day of June 1834 personally appeared before me, Abraham Morrell, David Spraker, Samuel A. Gilbert, Henry I. Dieffendorff & John Hand, Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, of said County now sitting Adam Garlough and George Dunckle, both of the Town of Canajoharie, County of Montgomery and State Aforesaid, who would have been duly sworn, according to law, doth on their oaths depose and say.—Vizt, the said, Adam Garlough, that he is aged seventy nine years  past and the said Geroge Dunckle, for himself says that himself is aged seventy seven years past, since last July—and that they jointly and separately say that they have been personally acquainted with John Yordan, previous, and during the Revolutionary War, and ever since, a Revolutionary Soldier, who claims a Pension .
            And that said deponents further say, that the aforesaid Applicant, was and did proof, a true and faithful soldier, during the revolutionary War from the year 1775 to the close of the said War, with the exception, at the time of Johnstown Battle Vizt, on the 225th day of Oct. 1781.  Under the command of Col Willett, against Majr Ross and his Associates from Canada, when the applicant, received a wound with a gun ball in his hipp, vizt in his left hipp__________And that, deponents further say, that we and each of us have heard, claimant declarations read, both original and his supplemental thereto, and that we have been eye witnesses, to chiefly and the most of the services rendered and contained in the supplemental declaration and do belief that rendered services to the United States for at least two years & more during said Revolutionary War aforesaid, and further say and State, that Claimant was and has been totally debilitated in consequence of the aforesaid wound for a least four months as aforesaid, ______and that we and each of us, jointly and separately declare and state that claimant is a person of irreproachable character, truth and veracity and entitled to full credit.
(Signed with his mark)  Adam Garlough
(Signed with his mark) George Dunckle
            Sworn to in Open Court this 13th day of June 1834

[Following is a large table from which important facts were gleaned.]
Period Service Rendered: 1775 during summer & fall seasons 1 mo, 15 da.,
Rank: private
Names and Rank of Company officers: Under Capt. Robert Crouse, Lieut, Adam Lype, 1st Lieut Jacob Matheir, Ens. Willm W. Seeber.
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Genl N. Herkimer, Ebenezer Cox, 1st Col, William Seeber, Lieut Col., Saml Clyde 1st Majr, 2nd Majr Campbell
Place of Abode: Town of Canajohary, then County of Tryon now Montgomery now aged 75 years lat Aug’t last.
Remarks and Occurrences: Claimant being enrolled in Capt. Crouse’s Company and Conformable to a Resolution passed by Congress on the 27th day of May 1775, that the Militia of N. York be readiness to act at a moments warning and in compliance with such requisition, Claimant was frequently ordered out by his Company officers, to attend Company to [?] to be organized, trained and disciplined also called out to Johnstown to quell the tories, the Militia were kept alarmed often and frequently during said year, & more particular Sheriff White, who yet acted as Sheriff under the British Government, Considering himself under the Control of Sr. John Johnson who directing the Sheriff to disturb and dispose the Whigs, when mett and assembled together for the purpose of devising ways and means in prosecuting the war.  Which conduct of Sr. John & the Sheriff was the cause of keeping or putting the Whigs the more on their guard and considerably on the alert during the Court of Nine Months from Spring until late in fall, rendering services for the United States for at least the length of service stated opposite.
Proof by which the declaration is supported: Nicholas Dunckle, Adam Garlough, George Dunckle.

Period Service Rendered:  1776, Janr, 16 days.
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Crouse
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers:  Gen’l Schuyler, Gen’l Harkimer
Remarks and Occurrences:  Ordered out the whole Brigade to Caughnawaga, at the time of the pursuing of Sr. John to Genl Schuyler, Emediately at Johnstown  remanded to Canajohary with some others, to approach some disaffected person, vizt Tories taken before the Committee all in one time.

Period Service Rendered:   1776 forepart in summer, 1 mo.
Names and Rank of Company officers:   Capt. Peter Dygert
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers:  Col. Dayton
Remarks and Occurrences:   Drafted then marched to Herkimer aiding and assisting in erecting Fort Dayton some times ordered on scouts spying the enemy.

Period Service Rendered:   1776 fore part in summer 4 mo 1 da.
Names and Rank of Company officers:   Captain Coopman
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Dayton
Remarks and Occurrences:  drafted to Fort Stanwix rendering services to the United States under Capt. Coopman, then remaining three months.

Period Service Rendered:  Later part in spring 15 da.
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Crouse
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: doth not recollect
Remarks and Occurrences:  Ordered out by Company and Stationed at Fort Snell rendering
Garrison duty.

Period Service Rendered:  same fall, 22 da
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt Crouse
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Genl Herkimer
Remarks and Occurrences:  Ordered out in Mass under Genl Herkimer marched to Johnstown after stayed about 3 days then remanded to Stonearabia there stationed at Fort Snell, Strayers and Cooks, rendering Garrison duty 212 days in the whole.

Period Service Rendered:  same fall,15 da
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt Crouse
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Cox
Remarks and Occurrences:  Ordered out at different times watching and guarding against the incursions of the Common Incinderies at least the length of service as placed opposite.

Period Service Rendered:  1777 June, 1 mo.
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt Dygert
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Dayton
Remarks and Occurrences:  Drafted to march to German Flats stationed at Fort Herkimer to the relief of a guard, there rendering Garrison duty for one month under Capt. Peter S. Dygert.

Period Service Rendered:  June & July, 1 mo, 15 da.
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Coopman
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers:          Col. Gansevoort & Col. Willett
Remarks and Occurrences:  On a draft, marching under Capt. Coopman to Fort Stanwix, to the relief of a draft previous, there stationed at the Fort for six weeks, then under Col. Gansevoorts command, stopping the passage in Wood Creek by falling threes across the creek, but St. Ledger with his army soon had all cleared out of the creek.  Claimant has rendered the length of service placed opposite.

Period Service Rendered:  6th Aug. 22 da.
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Robert Crouse
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Genl Herkimer, Col. Cox, Col. Seeber, Majr Clyde
Remarks and Occurrences:  Oriskany Battle.  Claimant was ordered out to march under the command of Genl Herkimer to that memorable Battle at Oriskana & was there actually engaged in Battle against a large forced of Genl St. Ledger’s Army and continued until the Indians and Tories had withdrawn from the field of Battle & returned to their encampments, when Claimant had mett with the [?] of the Gen’ of Brigade all belonging to the said Regt to which Claimant was attached, Genl Herkimer was seriously wounded & died [?] days after he was brought home.

Period Service Rendered:  During the different seasons, same year, 1 mo, 15 da.
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Crouse died 6th Augt, Lieut Lype
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col Cox, until killed, 6th Aug’t when killed.
Remarks and Occurrences:  Impractible to recollect all but claimant states that he at least has rendered services to the United States exclusive of the foregoing impossible to describe all, but at least one month & 15 days more as placed opposite.

Period Service Rendered:  1778 July, 15 da
Names and Rank of Company officers: Capt. Lyke
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Clyde
Remarks and Occurrences:  Ordered out at the General Conflagration at Springfield, and from there ordered to Cherry Valley there stationed at Cherry Valley for twelve days, in all 15 days.

Period Service Rendered:  1778 Oct, 22 da
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Lyde
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Clyde
Remarks and Occurrences:  Ordered out at the time of the General Conflagration upper Fort of the German Flats and Herkimer opposite on the North Side of the Mohawk River all around Fort Dayton, burning, murdering, scalping and a number of Prisoners taken to Canada by the Incendiaries.

Period Service Rendered:  1778, Nov. 11 8 da.
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt Lyke
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Clyde
Remarks and Occurrences:  Ordered out at the time of the General Massacre at Cherry Valley by the Incendiaries from Canada, at least 7 days before returned.

Period Service Rendered:  1778, during different season in said year, 4 mos, 15 days
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Lyke
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Clyde
Remarks and Occurrences:  Ordered out and Stationed at Cherry Valley during that year often and frequently in rendering Garrison duty, sent on Scouts spying the enemy, continually annoyed by the enemy at different places, almost without intermission from spring, intractable or to specify or to enumerate the different tours and occurrences, not specified in the preceding statement in said year, but having at least rendered the length of United State service as placed opposite.

Period Service Rendered:  1779 June 15 da.
Names and Rank of Company officers: Capt. Lype
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Clyde
Remarks and Occurrences:  Ordered out by Regt at the time of the General Conflagration of the lower Part of the German Flats and Fall Hill, burning and murdering, scalping and taking prisoners by the incendiaries from Canada.

Period Service Rendered:  1779 Summer 1 mo 15 da.
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Lype
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Maj’r House
Remarks and Occurrences:  Drafted twice to Fort Plank one tour 4 weeks, at another 15 days, there stationed in rendering Garrison Service, said Fort was considered of considerable consequence for Safety it was supplied with arms and ammunition, and Claimant believes with two cannon, all furnished by the government and for which reason found expedient to have the same well guarded and protected, and that chiefly by the Militia.

Period Service Rendered:  1779 from Spring until fall, 2 mos
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Lype
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Clyde
Remarks and Occurrences:  During that year from spring until late in fall claimant having been ordered out frequently and often sometimes on an alarm in pursuit of the enemy once drafted to Fort Wintickes there stationed in rendering Garrison duty fourteen days, Claimant having at least rendered United States Services, the length of time sett opposite exclusive of all the prededing.

Period Service Rendered:  1780 July & Aut’t
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Lype
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Genl Van Rensselaer & Col. Harper
Remarks and Occurrences:  Ordered out at the time when Capt. Samuel Gray with his company of Boatmen and Boats were obstructed at Fort Schuyler for about ten days by Capt. Brandt with about 400 Incendiaries from Canada, guarding Capt. Gray with his boats & company with supplies to Fort Stanwix safe—While the great Gen’l ordering both Regts Col. J. Clock, from the North Side and Clyde’s from the South side of the Mohawk River and their Militia totally drained, well known to Brandt, when he took an circuitous route on the South Side of the Mohawk River, about forty miles down to the Upper Part of then Canajoharie, burning, murdering, scalping and taking prisoner, not excepting the Elegant dutch Church within gun shott of Fort Plain at the same time the enemy, driving along about 300 head of [rest cut off]

Period Service Rendered:  1780 Oct 19th, 6 da
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Lype
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Clyde
Remarks and Occurrences:  Col. Brown’s Battle.  After Col. Brown’s Battle in Stonearabia and when after Sr. John Johnson hath been burning and destroying all up along the North Side of the Mohawk river not [?] that ancient valuable settlement of Stonearabia at a distance of about twenty miles up along the Mohawk, chiefly all Ravished and destroyed forty five persons killed in Battle, chiefly all while retreating, besides several wounded, while Col. Brown had his orders and directions from Genl Van Rensselaer to make and attack on the front of the Enemy, himself was to attack the rear, Genl Van Rensselaer kept on the South Side of the river, marching patiently along, passing Col. Brown in his distressed situation with his [?] men and the Enemy about 1500, Col. Brown not to exceed 300, when always understood that Genl Van Rensselaer had about 1700 men with him from Columbia County, marching to Fort Plain then back again for at least a mile where the water was  low, situated one wagon before the other, that all could cross safe without getting their feet wett, then slowly in pursuit of Sr. John when some of the Militia Col. Debois with some of his levies and some of our Indians, took battle on Klock and Failing Flats, with the Enemy, when the enemy took flight in confusion, Genl Van Renssalaer with his men halting and merely spectators while others were engaged, Claimant in the last Engagement aiding and abetting and in pursuit of the Enemy for four days after.

Period Service Rendered:  1780 Spring until late in fall 6 mo, 15 da.
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Lyke
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Clyde
Remarks and Occurrences:  By order and instructions and directions under Col. Clyde, building and erecting a fort in that sectionof country, where many of the inhabitants of the place, Town of Canajoharie resided for the protection of the inhabitants of that place, as well for the benefit of the United States, that claimant was engaged at least four months & half a rendering Garrison duty and service to the United States that said fort was named Fort Clyde, and furnished with all the necessaries by public stores, cannon and all for defense.

Period Service Rendered:  1781 25th Oct, 6 da.
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Lype
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Willett
Remarks and Occurrences:  Engaged in Johnstown Battle.  Ordered out under Col. Willett and seriously engaged in Johnstown Battle against Maj’r Ross & Butler with about 800 of their associates, Incendiaries from Canada at which time and in said engagement the applicant says that he was seriously wounded by a gun or musket ball, that the said ball hath penetrated in his hipp, and that the same hath never been extracted, and yet remaining and probably will follow him to the grave.

Period Service Rendered:  1781, early Spring until 25th Oct., 3 mos, 15 da.
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Lype
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Willett, Col. Clyde, Maj’r House
Remarks and Occurrences:  Ordered out frequently and at various times, apparently almost continually from the early part in spring until 25th day of Oct. in said year, in rendering services to the United States, umpractible to describe only engaged in United States Service from the early part in spring until the 25th day of October same year in rendering Garrison duty at Fort Clyde and at Fort Plank, sent on Scouts, at different times. 
[on a later page] Drafted and ordered out twice to Fort Plank 5 days each tour to Fort Clyde thrice, each tour 15 days, rendering Garrison duty, called out on alarms, at different times and frequently repelling the incursions of the Incendiaries, & Scouting and Spying the Enemy one month;, total 3 mo & 15 days.

Period Service Rendered:  1778 forepart 8 da
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Lype
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Clyde
Remarks and Occurrences:  This tour omitted, not in rotation but ordered out at the time when a Mr. Youngs and family were murdered by the Indians and Tories, marched to Bowmans Creek for the time placed opposite.

Period Service Rendered:  1782 during the year.  3 mos 15 da.
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Lype
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Clyde
Remarks and Occurrences:  This was a troublesome year.  The Indians continuously have kept lurking around the fences in the woods, continually annoying the Inhabitants without intermission, were continually alarmed five different occurrences hath transpired in the Town of Palatine from Spring until fall, whereas at the furthermost part exceeding four miles from Fort Paris, Burning, murdering and prisoners taken at two different times once 5 prisoners taken and at one other time two prisoners taken, then one occurrence about 3 and the other not two Miles from the fort.  Again in wheat harvest two aged people murdered and their house burnt, some better than a mile from the fort and one other occurrence two taken prisoners.  In September, exceeding a mile, also early in spring latter part in March the Indians on snow shoes, distance about eight miles the one killed the others taken prisoners, believing in about same neighborhood tow prisoners taken.  And such was the same case on the south side of the Mohawk River upper part of Canajoharie, impractible to present an accurate estimate fo the length of service but each occurrence causing an alarm and the Militia on foot in pursuit of the enemy and after returning, watching and guarding the Forts.  The Claimant having rendered Services of this description for at least the length of service as placed opposite on behalf of the United States—Claimant on account of bodily infirmities could nto attend the court, as it would proof extremely to his [?] to be away from home over night.
Total length of service 3 years, 5 days, all and for such services the applicant claims a pension.

[Later he made another deposition and remembered more time served and claimed 3 years 2 months and 1 day.]

State of New York
Montgomery County SS
            I George D. Ferguson, Clerk of the County of Montgomery aforesaid, do hereby certify that Abraham Morrell before whom the foregoing application of John Yerdon preports to have been sworn, was on the date thereof First Judge of Montgomery county Court, and that I am well acquainted with his hand writing & verily believe that his name subscribed to the said application & to the foregoing certificate of opinion of said Judge is genuine.  And further that John Lieber before whom the annexed affidavits of Nicholas Dunckel, Adam Garlock & Geroge Dunkel purports to have been sworn was on the date thereof a Justice of the Peace in & for the said County: And that I am well acquainted with his handwriting & verily believe that his name subscribed to said affidavits & to the Certificate of Character of said deponents & said affidavits following is in each case genuine.
            In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & deal of office this 22d February 1834.
Geo. D. Ferguson.

Letter in the Pension Folder
February 1, 1933
Dr. G. N. Lehr
105 West Garden Street
Rome, New York
Dear Sir:
            Reference is made to your letter in which you request information in regard to John and Christian Yourdon, soldiers of the War of the Revolution.
            Revolutionary War data furnished by this office are obtained from claims made to the United States for a pension and bounty land based upon the military service of soldiers in that war.
            A search of the records fails to show such claims on file on account of the services of any Christian Yourdon, searched under similar spelling of the surname.
            The record furnished below were obtained from the papers on file in pension claim, S.26982, based upon the Revolutionary War service of John Yordan (the name also appears Yorden, Yordon, and Jordan).
            He was born in August, 1758 at Canajoharie, New York, names of parents not given.
            While residing at said Canajoharie, John Yordan enlisted in the summer of 1775 and served at various times as a private with the New York troops, under Captain Robert Krouse, Peter S. Deygert, , Adam Lype, Colonels Ebenezer Cox, Dayton, Gansevoort, Willett, Seeber, Samuel Clyde, and Harper; he was in the battles of Oriskany and Johnstown, in the latter battle he was wounded in the hip by a gunshot.  He served until late in 1782, all service amounting to about three years.
            The soldier, John Yordan, was pensioned from October 19, 1786, on account of disability resulting from the above wound.
            He continued to live in Canajoharie after the Revolution.  He died February 18, 1840.
            There is no reference to wife or children.
            Very truly yours,
            A.D. Hiller, Assistant to Administrator
More that was left out of original deposition.
Period Service Rendered:  1780 Spring until Winter, 4 mos 15 days
Names and Rank of Company officers:  Capt. Lype
Names and Rank of Genl and Field officers: Col. Willett & Col. Clyde
Remarks and Occurrences:  Omitting two months contained in the original, although engaged rendering services to the United States from the early part in Spring until late in fall, erecting Fort Clyde, after its erection, rendering Garrison duty, guarding against the incursions of the Enemy of our country, scouting and spying the enemy—at a moderate rate the length of service placed opposite date.

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