Morrison's Pensions

 Pension Application for Abram Acherson or Abraham Ackerson

State of Ohio
Washington County
            On this 24 day of September AD 1834, personally appeared before me Joseph Barker one of the Associate Judges of the Court of Common Please [sic] for said county Brom Acker in english Abram Ackerson a resident of Wesley in said County aged aged [sic] eighty seven years 13th day or March last past who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
            That he enlisted in Clarkstown under Capt. Robert Johnson in the year 1776 in March staid there two weeks and then marched down to the river at a place att’d Niack stayed there two months and then went over the river to the White Plains under Capt. Thoams Blance stayed there about one month and went to HaverStraw on the west side of the North River had to go up there before we could cross and marched right down to Clarkstown our head Quarters thence to Dobs Ferry stayed here a short time and marched up the river one hundred and thirty or forty miles to Albany where my time was out when we went to ClarksTown we joined Captain Johnson’s company & he commanded to Albany there was General Montgomery with his army at Albany my time was out my family were unprovided for I received my discharge from Captain Johnson and returned home this was in September I enlisted for and served six month—I stayed home through the winter Captain Johnson returned and in March 1777 I enlisted under Captain Johnson Wm Martin Lieut in Clarkstown where Captain Johnson lived under Col. Sherwood marched immediately to Taupon stayed a few days and marched ton Hackensack our head quarters were there we went down to Claver?dock and Habuck scouting about for enemy what were called Cowboys was there three months we had news that the british were going up to burn Havewrstraw we marched up there as fast as possible and then marched bazck, the British went past Haverstraw up to Esopus and burned that down we stayed there three months and then went down on the lines Col. Hay commanded after Gen. McDougald left.  Gen Wayne too Stony Point the night before we joined McDougall was at Clarkstown when Stoney Point was taken & heard the cannon the british went down the river in their shipping General Washington lay at Tappon with his army part of the time while we were there our head Quarters were at Clarkstown and our services were to scout the country in search of Toryes, Cowboys, and the enemy, we stayed there, and about there five years until the proclamation of Peace in 1783.  I was born in Clarkstown New York on the 13th day of March 1747, lived there fifty eight years then moved to Bergen County New Jersey lived there 10 years, thence to Stillwater Ohio five years then to Morgan County Ohio 13 years thence to my present residence in Wesley Washington County Ohio where I have lived one year. There was a record of my age in Clarkstown kept by the Presbyterian Society I never had a record of my age I have been blind seven years.  I have no documentary evidence of service I know on Jonathan Wilson who knew me in the service of the United States in the war of the revolution I state the name of Thomas Ackerson and George Kay who know and will testify to my character for truth and veracity and belief of the neighborhood as to my services in the revolutionary army.  There is no clergyman who has lived here long enough to know the opinion of the neighborhood.  I hereby relinquish every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declare that my name is not on the pension roll of any agency of any state.  (Signed with his mark)  Abraham Ackerson
            Sworn to and subscribed this 24th day of September AD 1834 before the subscriber.  Joseph Barker, Associate Judge of Washington County.  State of Ohio

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