Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Isaac Allison

W.16493 (Widow: Mary) Isaac died 15 March 1825, was from Orange County, Private in Company commanded by Captain Gardner of the Regt commanded by Col. Hays in the New York Line.
State of New York
Orange County SS.
            On this thirty first day [of] August eighteen hundred and forty personally appeared before the undersigned a Judge of the court of Common Please [sic] being a court of record in and for the said county Mary Allison a resident of the town of Warwick in the County of Orange and State of New York aged seventy four years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the provisions of an act of Congress passed July 7th 1838.
            That she is the widow of Isaac Allison who was a private in the war of the Revolution and as she has been informed and believes her said husband in the beginning of the war belonged to a company of Militia commanded by Capt. John Gardner and in the regiment commanded by Col. A. H. Hays in the county of Orange and State of New York and she has been informed and believes that sometime in the summer of 1777 previous to the taking of Fort Montgomery her husband Isaac Allison enlisted into a company of militia to serve along the Hudson River at Haverstraw and other places for the term of three months under Capt. John Gardner and under Col. Hay that her husband did serve the above term of three months and was discharged about the time that Fort Montgomery was taken and she thinks it was afterwards.
            She further declares that she has been informed and believes that in the spring of 1778 Capt Gardners company was one of those that was selected to guard the passes of the mountain near the New Jersey line and along the Hudson River and to be in readiness at a moment’s warning and that her said husband Isaac Allison served in the said service under Capt. Gardner and in the regiment under Col. A. Hawks Hay and Lieut. Col. Cooper from sometime in the spring of the year 1778 until the middle of January of 1779 at least six months but she is  unable to state the exact times or their length except in 1779 from October of that year until in January 1780 her said husband Isaac Allison served three months along the Hudson River at Haverstraw, New City and other places under the aforesaid Capt. Gardner and Lieut Col. Cooper.
            That as she has been informed and believes her said husband Isaac Allison in the Spring of 1780 enlisted into a company of Levies for the term of Eight months under Capt. Ganno and in the regiment commanded by either Col. Dubois or Pawling she us unable to state which and served for the aforesaid term along the frontiers and was discharged sometime about the first of January 1781 but she does not know that he had a written discharge.
            That her said husband served during the whole of the war in the militia and as before stated but she is unable from old age and loss of memory she is unable to state any more of his services.  That she has no documentary evidence to sustain her claim but that which is now presented.
            She further declares that she was married to the said Isaac Allison on the twenty eighth day of June seventeen hundred and eighty five by the Rev. Mr. Benedict then Elder in the Baptist Church in the Town of Warwick in the County of Orange and State of New York and that the same Isaac Allison died on the fifteenth March Eighteen hundred and twenty five.  That she was not married to him during the war but was married previous to the first day of January 1794 as before stated and that she has remained a widow ever since the death of her said husband.  That search has been made for a record of her said marriage but none can be found. That from the feebleness of her health she is unable to attend Court.  (Signed with her mark)  Mary Allison
            Sworn and Subscribed before the 31st day of August 184----[left blank]
            S.W. Fullerton Judge of County Courts

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