Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Jeremiah Allison

State of New York
Jefferson County SS.
            On this 26 day of February 1834, personally appeared in open court before the Judges of the court of Common Pleas in and for said County, now sitting, Jeremiah Allison a resident of Sophiasburgh Upper Canada aged seventy years who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath, make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress, passed June 7, 1832.
            That he served as a minuteman (as a private) from about the first of June to about the first of December 1779 at Haverstraw New York where he then resided under Capt. Gardner, Colo. Hay—The British had landed at Stoney Point where they remained through the season and his company was on duty every day and he was discharged after having served not less than six months.
            In Dec’r 1779 or Jan’y 1780 he was drafted and marched to Nyack under Capt. Gardner, Colo Hay where he kept guard and served as a private and discharged after having served not less than one month.  About the first of July 1780 he was drafted at Haverstraw as a private served in Capt. Jonathan Lawrence com’y went to Dobb’s Ferry staid about four weeks, then to King’s Ferry where he joined Col. Malcoms Regt then went to FishKill, there one or two other Regiments joined them, one commanded by Col. Brown then proceeded to Albany, from there marched to Schenectady where they remained about two weeks, then went to Fort Plain where they were stationed.  He was in the Dutch at Schoharie, Maj. Wilsey commanded, was also at the Battle at Palatine in Oct when Colo Brown was killed—was discharged in November after having served not less than four months.  Had a written discharge signed by Maj. VanBenSchouten, which was lost soon after.  In June of July 1781 at Haverstraw he enlisted as a Corporal under Capt. Hunter.  Lieut Guildersleeve, now mustered at Peekskill, marched about forty miles easterly to a place he thinks was called New Salem there joined his company—remained a few days, then marched to North Castle where he joined Colo Weisenfells Regt New York Levies, staid in that neighborhood two or three weeks, then marched to Peekskill from there proceeded to Albany; then marched to Waterford where he [torn] Sergeant, then marched to Saratoga where he was stationed and there discharged he thinks in November after having served not less than four months.  One half of the time as Corporal, and the other half as Sergeant but no written discharge.  That he was born in Haverstraw New York in 1763 knows of no record of his age except in a Family Bible.  Since the Revolutionary War he has resided in Haverstraw New York and Sophiasburgh Upper Canada where he now lives.  That he has no documentary evidence and knows of no person whose testimony he can procure except that of Benj’m Allison, Isaac Secor and Bogert.  The Rev’d Thos. Demorest, Gilliam Demorest of Griffith Howell magistrates all neighbors of his and have testified as to his character for truth and their belief and that of their neighborhood that he served the United States as he states.
            He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present; and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the agency of any state.  (Signed) Jeremiah Allison
            Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.  P. Burchard.  Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas.

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