Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Daniel Annin

State of New York
Dutchess County SS.
            On this 24th day of September 1832, personally appeared in open court before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the County of Dutchess now sitting, Daniel Annin now a resident in the Town of Fishkill in the County of Dutchess and in the State of New York, lagged seventy nine years, who being first duly sworn, according to law, doth, on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the Act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832.
            That he enlisted in the army of the United States in the year 1776 on the last day of February with Captain James Rosekranse in the Regiment Commanded by Colonel Lewis DuBois, in the Brigade Commanded by General James Clinton, that he resided at Fishkill in the County of Dutchess at the time of his enlistment and has resided there ever since the revolution. That he was born on the 6th day of May 1753 at Basken Ridge in the County of Somerset and State of New Jersey as learns from an ancient family record now in his possession; and that he moved to Fishkill aforesaid in the year 1770; that he served in the army ten months viz from the last day of February to the last day of December 1776, that his time of service having expired, he was discharged with the rest of his company by General James Clinton in person; he did not receive a written discharge, he was discharged the last day of December 1776. The officers of his company were James Rosekrans Captain, Thomas Lee first Lieutenant, Daniel Lawrence Second Lieutenant and Joseph Baldwin Ensign.  Captain Abraham Swartout and Captain John Belknap were in the same regiment he enlisted at a place then called Charlotte Preanet but now called Washington in the County of Dutchess and he, with his company were marched to Fort Montgomery on the Hudson River in the neighborhood of West Point in the month of April and remained there until his discharge from the service as aforesaid.  Captain Rosekranse commanded the Fort for some time.  Gen. Clinton took command in person in July 1776.
            This deponent further saith that he was drafted in the militia of the state of New York in the month of October 1777 and served one month under Colonel Abraham Brinkerhoof and was stationed at Fishkill landing on the North river. Gen Swartout was the Brigadier General Henry Wycoff aid de camp.
            This deponent further said that he was drafted again the Militia of the State of New York about the first of June 1779 and served one half month under Colonel John Frear and was stationed on the North River nearly opposite to West Point.  Gen. Swartout was the Brigadier General.
            This deponent further said that he volunteered in the Militia in the State of New York in June 1780 that he was in a regiment called the silver greys, commanded by Colonel Rufus Herrick. This company was commanded by Captain Thomas Lee.  He served at this time nearly one half month. Deponent has lived in Fishkill from 1770 to the present time. He is well known in the town where he lives and the fact of his having served in the Army is notorious Benjamin Waldron was at Fishkill landing with the deponent in the Militia.  His affidavit is referenced to. The Clergyman residing in Fishkill has lately come there and does not know the circumstances and of my character of the deponent’s for truth and veracity.  He refers to Joseph J. Jackson, [?] above personally acquainted and [????] and was [?] in the Revolution.    
            The deponent hereby relinquishes all and every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any agency in any State.  (Signed) Daniel Annin
            Sworn and subscribed this 24th day of September 1832.  Henry E. Traver Clerk.  State of New York, Dutchess County

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