Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Mattice Ball

State of New York
County of Schoharie SS
            On the second day of October personally appeared in open court before the judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the County aforesaid; at the Court house in the town of Schoharie, now sitting Mattice Ball a resident of the Town of Sharon in the County of Schoharie and state aforesaid aged Seventy five years, being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath render the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.
            That he entered the service of the Unites States under the following named officers, and served as herein stated.
            That he was a Militia Solider in the company commanded by Captain Christian Stubrack in a Regiment commanded by colonel Peter Vrooman--That in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven the said Company & Regiment were ordered to Fort Edward in the State aforesaid and that he accompanied the said Regiment to Albany when a company to do as ordered to Skennesborogh to about first of [?] and there he performed in this [?] a tour of duty of about thirteen days—that he volunteered to go to Johnstown now in Montgomery County, and took with him six days provisions, [?] and was absent in this service about six days—that he was ordered five times on occasions to disarm the Tories, in which service at eat time he was engaged about two days (10)—That he was in a company who volunteered to go to Schoharie Hill in the state aforesaid to arrest a number of Tories who were engaged in enlisting Soldiers in which serve he was engaged in about four days—that he also marched in pursuit of one Joe Ferris, a notorious Tory, who was made previous the company in which service he was engaged about two days—that the said company and Regiment were marched to the Middle Fort twice and that he served about ten days.  The first time and the last about one month—That he also marched with the said company and Regiment to Korpusfield? In the state of New York, in which service he was engaged about three days.
            That at the time [?] McDonald lay with his hostile forces at Vrooman’s Land he marched with his company and Regiment to that place; in which service he was engaged about four days.
            And, further, that the Mohawk and Schoharie districts from there [?] border or frontier situations were exposed to the almost continued incursions of the Savages and Tories and in truth were verily dislocated and that the inhabitants of Schoharie for their own security kept at three Forts with the militia called the upper, middle and lower Forts—The lower Fort was over situation in the summer [?] one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine and that he assisted in the construction and served therein as a Militia Soldier the same year of its construction at least six months; and that the years of 1780, 1781, and 1782, he in each of those three years served in the said Fort in the capacity of a Militia Soldier of the Company and Regiment aforesaid at different intervals of time at Lease for the time of Six Months in each year—he hereby relinquishes every claim for a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.  (Signed) Mattice Ball
            Sworn and Subscribed this second day of October 1832, in open court John Gebhard Jr. Clk.
Reply to letter of inquiry dated February 16, 1926.
            I have to advise you from the papers in the Revolutionary War pension claim, S.22628, it appears that Mattice ball served from 1777 to close of War, at various times as a private in Captain Christian Stubrach’s Company, Colonel Peter Vrooman’s New York Regiment, served in all fifteen months and twenty-two days.
            He was allowed pension on his application executed October 2, 1832, while a resident of Sharon, Schoharie County, New York, aged seventy-five years.
            In 1838, he was living at Penfield, Monroe County, New York, with his son, whose name is not given.
            Soldier stated that his father, John Ball was Chairman of the  Committees of Safety, during the war, but gave no further details.
            There is no further data on file as to family.

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