Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Hugh Connelly

In order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832.
State of New York
Schoharie County SS
            On the (blob of ink) of February 1833, personally appeared in open court before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, Schoharie County now sitting Hugh Connelly a resident of Jefferson in the County of Schoharie and State of New York, aged 73 years the 29th of April last who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832.
            That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated.  That he entered the service of the United States in the month of May 1775, the day he does not recollect.  That he belonged to a company of New York State Militia commanded by Captain Samuel Pettengill, (1) Lieut. William Snook, Ensign Thomas VanHorn in the 3rd Regt of State Troops commanded by Collonel Frederick Fisher.
            That when he entered the service, he resided at Florida (2) in the County of Montgomery, that part of the county at that time being infected with Indians and Tories that he was allmost constantly out on scouts and alarms and keeping garrison in the different fortifications up and down the Mohawk River.  At one alarm his Capt. and two uncles were killed and several others.  General Herkimer was wounded and died of his wounds three days afterwards.  The engagement took place in the Eriskeny (Oriskany) woods about six miles from Fort Stanwicks then William Snook took the command of the company when the Indians and Tories burnt Florida. (3) They retreated as far as Johnstown, there we came up with them and had a sharp engagement at first the Indians drove us then we were reinforced by the Stone Robble (Stone Arabia) Militia commanded by Capt. MacMaster, (4) then we drove them and killed a number in both sides next morning he helped bury thirteen his mess mate was killed, we then pursued them as far as Canada Creek there Capt. Butler (5) was killed that commanded the Tories.
            We then returned back the Indians that were with us had 14 scalps that they carried on a pole.  Think we was allmost constantly on alarms that he was at Schoharie at the time the Indians and Tories burnt it they then went to Stone Robbe now called Palentine there they killed Col. Brown (6) and most of his Regt.
            That they followed them and Governor Clinton (7) with a number men joined them and they pursued after them until Governor Clinton thought it best to return he was at the taking of Burgoyne under the same officers as before mentioned and after the surrender he served as a teamster in conveying the baggage from Saratoga to Albany that time 3 or 4 weeks time does not recollect but was almost constantly on duty some times a week some times more some times in the forts sometimes on scouts from May 1775 to the close of the war, it was almost one time of enlistment and should say according to the best of his knowledge that he served as much as two years or more during the war some times he was billeted out then they stayed in the forts nights and scouted daytimes that once he was put in command by the commissary at Sckenectady over a number of teames for to carry provisions to the garrison at Fort Stanwicks that when he entered the service he resided in what now is called Florida, County of Montgomery that he volunteered in all his services there were no Continental Troops with them or he recollects only at the taking of Burgoyne, and only recollects General Gates and Arnold.  That he has no documentary evidence and knows of no other testimony that he can procure only those accompanying this.
            He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.
            That he was born in Florida the 29th of April 1759 and lived there until about thirty years ago and then moved to Jefferson Schoharie County where I now reside that he has no record of his age.
            That he never received no discharge and would refer you to persons living in my neighborhood who can testify as to my character for truth and veracity and their belief as to my services as a soldier of the revolution.  Colonel David Wiltsie, Benjamin Milk,Col. Billa B. Brown and Asa Morse, Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
(Signed)  Hugh Connelly
Sworn and subscribed in open court before me the day and year aforesaid.  John Gebhard Jr. Clk

State of Ohio
Geauga County
            Be it known that before the subscribed, a notary Public in and for said county personally appeared Rebecca Roe, aged sixty years, a resident of Chardon in the county and state aforesaid, who being duly cautioned and then sworn in due form of law states that she is the daughter of Hugh Connelly who was a Revolutionary soldier and served from the State of New York.
            That the said Hugh died March 9th 1837, aged about 76 years when he died.  That he died in Schohary County New York, that he made an application for a pension a short time previous to his decease, which was sent to Washington but not granted, she thinks he died before the exceptions were taken.   She believes that his witness was William Pettengill & Thomas Van Horn, then living at the Town of Milford, Otsego County, New York from what she has herd her father relate of his service she thinks he served some under a officer by the name of Snooke and was at one time under General Clinton and served longer in the team service during said war.  And that she believes that she and her brothers and sisters are entitled to whatever was his due his children to wit: David S. Connelly, last heard from resident of Lewis Co., NY, Cata Sample New York City, Patrick Connelly and her the said Rebecca Roe Geanga County Ohio, being all the surviving children of her father the said Hugh Connelly and that the United States are still indebted to them, under the laws of Congress for the pension that was due said Hugh Connelly, and for the purpose of investigating and establishing the claims as aforesaid she appoints James Hathaway of Chardon Ohio her true and lawful attorney with irrevocable power, to examine all papers on file and to do whatever she might do there she personally present to establish her claim and her said attorney is hereby fully authorized and empowered to constitute and appoint one or more substitute or attorney under him for the special purpose above expressed.
            In witness whereof I have on this 3rd day of January AD 1853, hereto signed my name and affixed my seal.
(Signed with her mark) Rebecca Roe.
            John Roe, J.N. Hathaway.  Sworn to and subscribed this 3rd day of January A.D. 1853 before me witness my hand and seal officially.  J.N. Hatahaway notary public.
            New York, Hugh Connelly Deceased of the state of NY who was a private in the _____commanded by Captain Pettingall in the Regt commanded by Col Fisher in the NY line for Revolution inscribed on the roll of Albany of the rate of $20 dollars – cents per annum, to commence on the 4th day of March 1831 ending 9 March 1837.  Certificate of Pension issued 22 day of Jany 1853.
End Notes for Hugh Connelly S.28690
By James F. Morrison

  1. Samuel Pettingill [Pettingell], Captain, Fifth company in Colonel Frederick Visscher’s [Fisher] Regiment of Tryon County Militia [Third Regiment].  William Snook took command of the company after Pettengill was killed 6 August 1777 at the Battle of Oriskany.
  2. Present day Town of Florida, Montgomery County was at the time of the War of Independence called Warren’s Bush, Tryon County.
  3. Unless you are familiar with the incidents that Hugh relates it is hard to follow as he jumps around in time periods.  It does show how he is trying to remember his services and tell about them.  The transcriber of his testimony is off in his spelling and punctuation which also throws off the flow of reading Hugh’s testimony.  The town of Florida was burned on 24/25 October 1781.  Major John Ross and Captain Walter Butler with their troops marched to Johnstown.  At Johnstown, Colonel Marinus Willet with his American force found Major Ross and his men and attacked them.  Willett and his men were repulsed and driven from the field.  A reinforcement of militia under Captain John Breadbake of Colonel Jacob Klock’s Regiment of Tryon County Militia [Second Regiment] many were on horseback and from Stone Arabia Willett renewed his attack.
  4. Captain David McMaster was from the Warrens Bush area not Stone Arabia.
  5. Captain Walter Butler of Butler’s Corps of Rangers was killed on the 30th October 1781.
  6. Col. John Brown was killed on the 19th October 1780 with about 40 men of his regiment at Stone Arabia.  Many pensioners afterwards claimed that Brown with most of his regiment were killed.  Brown may have had 180 men from his regiment present at this battle plus the Tryon County Militia so one’s memory of 40 out of 180 could seem like most of the regiment as over time the numbers would seem a lot different.  One also has to remember that Brown and his regiment were from Massachusetts and you didn’t see these people around in your area so it would be difficult for you to know that what you were told was wrong like High he wasn’t there to witness the battle.
  7. Governor George Clinton came and joined General Robert Van Rensselaer in the pursuit of Sir John Johnson.  There was no chance in catching up with Johnson so the pursuit ended at Fort Herkimer area
  8. In September and October 1777, men were drafted or impressed with teams and wagons to join the American Army at Stillwater under General Horatio Gates.  Some of the men from the Third Regiment were in the Second Battle of Saratoga on 7 October 1777.  In this battle Adjutant Peter Conyne of the Third Regiment was wounded.

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