Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Joseph Cooper

Continental, New York
Otsego Common Pleas of October term 1832.
Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.
State of New York
Otsego County SS.
            On this 16th day of October in the year of our Lord 1832 personally appeared in open court before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in & for the County of Otsego being a court of record & now sitting Joseph Cooper a resident of the Town of Middlefield in the County and State aforesaid, aged seventy one years last December who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.
            That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein mentioned to wit.
            That some time in the month of May 1778 he enlisted into the service of the United States at Monmouth in the State of New Jersey his then place of residence, for the term of one year in a company of horse commanded by Capt. Pulaski & that he remained in the service under Capt. Pulaski for about nine months or until sometime in the month of February 1779 when he was discharged in consequence of an injury in his right foot received from a horse in an engagement with the enemy at Eggharbour.  That near Monmouth he marched to Allentown from thence to Bethlehem thence to Eggharbour where he was engaged with the enemy in which engagement his ankle was broken by a horse & falling upon it.  I came thence to Sandy Hook from thence again to Monmouth, where he was discharged by Capt. Pulaski as aforesaid in consequence of his aforesaid mentioned injury in the foot.  He received a written discharge from Capt. Pulaksi, but has lost it as hereinafter mentioned.
            And he further saith that in the autumn of 1780 he was ordered out in the Militia under Capt. Maby & Lieut Putman on an excursion against the Indians & Tories of Schoharie. That he was sent out as a scout with six men under his command. That he was taken prisoner by the Indians and Carried to Fort Plain he was a prisoner with the Indians at the time of the Battle at Stone Arabia when Col. Brown was killed.  The evening after the battle some militia who had been sent on by Gen. VanRenselaer had a battle with the Indians, a short distance above Ford [sic] Plain when this deponent runaway into the water nearby, that he remained in the water all night until about 4 o’clock in the morning when he effected his escape having escaped from the Indians he went to Col. Harper at Fort Timmerman & soon after he returned home.  He was in this last mentioned service only a little more than one week. That while a prisoner with the Indians he lost his before mentioned discharge which he had received from Capt. Pulaski. The year following to wit in May 1781 he enlisted in the Militia service in a company commanded by Capt. French as stated in [?] affidavit annexed Lieut Victor Putnam, Ensign McMaster in the Regiment commanded by Col. Willet for nine months.  At the time of this enlistment he resided in the town of Florida Tryon Co. now the County of Montgomery State of New York. That he was marched of Stone Arabia from thence to fort Plain where he was stationed for a while, thence he returned to Stone Arabia where he was discharged in August or September following on account of ill health, having been in service about four months.
            He was born in Monmouth New Jersey on the 25th of December in the year of our Lord 1760. That he lived in Manmouth until he enlisted in the service of the United States in 1778.  After his services in the army he went to Florida in Tryon Co. now Montgomery Co. in NY where he remained about nine years from thence he went to Charlottsbush where he remained about twelve years thence to Dwainsborough where he remained about three years thence to Middlefield in Otsego Co. where he now resides.  That he has a record of his age now in his possession made by this Father which he will produce in Court if required.  He will refer to Martin Bridges, James Hanth & Ely Daniel Gilbert Supervisor of the town of Middlefield Eben B. Morehouse District Attorney & others for a statement of his character as to truth and veracity.  He hereby relinquishes all claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present & declares that his name is not on any pension roll of the agency of any state.  He has no documentary or other evidence of any kind to prove his services except what his herewith accompanying nor can he procure any other.  (Signed with his mark)  Joseph Cooper
            Sworn & subscribed in open court the day & year above written.  Horace Lathrop, Clerk

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