Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Harmanus Cromwell

W.16222 (Widow, Catharine)
In order to obtain the benefit of the 3d section of the Act of Congress of the 4th July 1836
State of New York
Montgomery County SS

On this 18th day of May 1837, personally appeared before me David K. Sacia one of the Judges of the Montgomery County Courts—Catharina Cromwell widow of Harmanus Cromwell, dec'd, a resident of the Town of Johnstown, County and State aforesaid aged Ninety years past, who being first duly sworn according to Law, doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Provision made under the Act of Congress passed July 4 th 1836, That she is the widow of Harmanus Cromwell. Who was a Private Soldier, in the Company of Militia Commanded by Capt. John Davis, in the Regt of Militia Commanded by Col. Frederick Fisher, In Gen'l Nicholas Herkimers, Brigade, Until the 6 th day of August 1777, when his Capt was Slain in that Memorable Battle at Oriskany and Gen'l Herkimer Serously wounded and soon after died, when after Lieut, Abrm Veeder, promoted as Capt. of Said Company and Volkert Veeder succeeded to the Command of the aforesaid Regt, and Col. Fisher, promoted to fill the Vacancy of Genl Herkimer, and that he husband did Commence in rendering farther Service to the United States from the year 1775 for and during the Revolutionary War, from year to year as a true and faithful Soldier in the Militia until the final termination of the said Revolutionary War.

1775--2 mos. Claimant finding it impracticable to specify Positively only in part there said husband was called out on certain alarms and occurrences, when he always went well armed and acquipt and most generally when after his return relating to her the result and Consequences of his tours & where & c.

Claimant state that her husband at least was called and ordered out in rendering United States Service during the course of said year often and frequently called out and ordered in Scouts, Sometimes drafted, guarding the frontiers, occasioned by Sr. John Johnston at least the length of Service placed opposite.

1776—15 da. Ordered out to Caughnawaga the whole Brigade Under the Command of General Herkimer, there joined Genl. Schuyler from thence marched to Johnstown Causing Surrender of Sr. John Johnstown with about [?]00 Tories.

22da. In Fall. Ordered out the whole Brigade in Consequence of an alarm when on their march to Balston where remanded to Johnstown and Col. Cox. And Col. Clock Regts ordered to Stone Arabia at Palatine there Stationed Under the direction of Genl Herkimer, there length of three weeks, during which time, Col. Fishers Regt was Stationed at Johnstown for the same length of time watching and guarding.

3 wk, 7 da. Claimant State that her Dec'd husband during said year She well recollects often and frequently was ordered out in rendering United States Service impracticable to Specify each and every tour but at least has rendered the length of Service placed opposite.

1777 During Winter and Spring. 2 mo. Drafted and gone to Ticonderoga as always Understood by her husband did not returned until sometime in Spring the length of time places opposite.

June & July, 22 da. Again drafted to Unadilla Under Genl Herkimer & Col. Ebenezer Cox, there with Capt. Capt. Brandt, the British Indian Chief with a large body of Indian Warriors, when Brandt & the Genl. Situated not to take battle.

Augt 6 th , 15 da. Under Col. Cox & Brigade Major Eisenlord. Ordered out at the time of that memorable Battle under the Genl Command of General Herkimer, against a superior force of Incendiaries from Canada, Under the Command of Genl St. Leger at Oriskany Battle.

1 mo., 15 da. In the Fall same year. Ordered Out by draft to StillWater, then Under Genl. Command of Genl Gage, at the time of the taking of Genl Burgoyne with his Army, and after the taking of Burgoyne and his army, ordered with all others to Guard, Prisoners down the North river, although told her by husband at that time to what place, but his widow does not recollect but at least having been absent from home six weeks before his returning.

During the whole year. Claiment saith that exclusive of the foregoing mentioned, Service which actually hath been rendered by her dec'd husband to the United States, that he husband often and frequently, and apparently almost Continually, was ordered out in rendering United States services, and that he at least did render the length of Service as placed opposite.

1778 In June 8 da. At the time of the General Conflagration at Springfield by Capt. Brandt, and his aforesaid Incendiaries from Canada, Murdering, Scalping, Burning and Prisoners taken to Canada, ordered out with the Regt.

Latter part of Summer, 22 da. Ordered out by Regt at the time of the Genl Conflagration on both sides of the Mohawk river, upper part of Herkimer & German Flats down to and around Fort Dayton and Fort Herkimer, Burning, Murdering & Prisoners taken to Canada. Ordered out to Stationed at Palatine Church 8 days.

November 10 days. Ordered out by Regt at the time of the Genl Massacure at Cherry Valle, by Bylter & Capt. Brandt with their Incendiaries from Canada vizt Burning, Murdering, Scalping & Prisoners taken to Canada, causing at the time a General devastation.

In summer 8 days. Ordered out & Marched to Bouwmans Creek by Regt on a [?] alarm there stationed for aforesaid days rendering the length of United States Service of at least as placed opposite.

During the whole Season from the early part it the Spring until late in the fall. 2 mos 15 da. Claimant well recollects that her husband during said year, often and frequently was called and ordered out at several and different tours in consequence of the Common Enemy and Alarms, Watching and Guarding against the incursions of the Incendiaries from Canada exclusive of the foregoing mentioned Service rendered to the United Sates said Claimant says that her husband at least did render the length of service as placed opposite, such as has not otherwise been Specified.

1779, in June 22 da. Under Genl Command of Genl James Clinton. At the time of Genl Sullivans Expedition to the West dispersing and destroying the Indians, possessed with Waggon and Horses and Constrained in carrying Boats and Baggage from the Mohawk river, Canajoharie, to Lake Otsego, three weeks.

Last of June and forepart of July 22da. Ordered out by Regt at the time of the Genl Conflagration at the Lower part of the German Flats from Fort Herkimer down to fall hill and all fall hill made desolate, besides Murdering, Scalping and prisoners taken to Canada.

During the season from Spring until late in fall. 2 mos. Claimant says that her husband was called out often and frequently during the course of this year on alarms, Watching and Guarding against the incursions of the common Enemy but finding it impractible to Specify each and every tour, but says that he at least did render the length of Service placed opposite.

1780, May 23d. 22 da. She believes Capt. Veeder was taken prisoner, Lieut. Nicholas Dockstader was [?] of said County. Claimant says that the Inhabitants all around Caughnawaga were taken on surprise, Genl Fisher, supposed killed, his scalp taken off left and revived, one of his brothers killed, believing the others taken prisoners, Sr. John Johnson with his incendiary associates from Canada Causing a General Conflagration from Tripes Hill, also along the river Road, distance of eight miles, and North About two miles from the River Road, All made desolate, with very few Exception, Murdering, Scalping and a great number taken prisoner, that her husband with the present Claimant, and his family have been great sufferers, all burned and Consumed, not a Shelter left, nothing but the Soil, which God had given and the Cloathing to their bodies, although all made a Safe Escape, and after the horrid Scare, the Inhabitants, or remnant of the Militia, those not killed or made Prisoner by the Enemy of Capt. Veeders Company, Ordered together, Watching and Guarding against the Common Enemy for at least 3 weeks.

During said season, twice to Johnstown Fort, 1 mo. Drafted and Ordered to Johnstown fort, Claiment believing twice, two weeks each tour, stationed at the Fort rendering Garrison duty.

Same Season, in fall, 22 da. On a draft, ordered to Sacondaga, Stationed at a black house, erected for defence, Watching and Guarding against the Incursions of the Enemy.

July 10 da. Ordered out by Regt, on an alarm to Bowmans Creek there Stationed rendering United States Service vizt, Garrison duty.

From the early part in the Spring until late in fall, 15 da. Claiment State, that Exclusive of the foregoing Services rendered or mentioned, that he husband at least has rendered the full length of Service to the united States as placed Opposite, that he was ordered out as often and frequently during said year, impossible to recollect or specify all, as Stated to her by her dec'd husband at the time thereof.

Oct 19 1789 6 da. Apprized by Sr. John Johnson with his Incendiary Associate Army from Canada after Marching Through Schoharie Causing a General Conflagration at and from Schoharie down to the Mohawk River, and then up along both Sides of the said Mohawk river, through that ancient old Noted Settlement of Stonearabia and from thence again along the Stonearabia Road down to Said Mohawk River to Palatine, and from thence again up along the said Mohawk about 8 Miles where Sr. John got himself engaged in Battle with his Incendiary Associates From Canada for the Second time for and during the course of One day against the Americans, where the Enemy left the Ground with much difficulty, and that the dec'd Soldier, the husband of the present Claimant with his family have Seen Great Suffering within the Short Period of less than five Months, vizt, on the 22d May almost stripped Naked and again on the 19 th October following, the house built and Erected, and all his grain again reduced to Ashes, so much suffering in the course of five months that the family was left Shelterless during the following Winter.

1781, July 10 da. Ordered out by Regt. At the time of Turlough Battle to reinforce Col. Willett when the Engagement was over before the arrival of their Regt, not in time—

Oct. 25 th 12 da. Claiment always understood immediately after Battle and thereafter as well by others, as by her deceased husband that he was actually Engaged under Col. Willett in Johnstown Battle, and after [?] went Under the Command of Col. Willett in pursuit of Maj Ross and Capt. Butler with the Incendiary Associates from Canada, at the time when Butler & others were Killed at the West Canada Creek.—

During the Season vizt from the early Part of Spring until late in fall, 2 mos 15 da. Claimant State, that She finding it impracticable to remember or recollect, the many different tours her husband has been ordered Out in rendering United States Services, during Spring, Summer, & Fall but apparently as if he hath been called out, with his arms and accoutrements the one [?] unable at the time, mentioned in the foregoing but may positively State, that he did at least render the length of United States Service as placed Opposite, Exclusive of the foregoing first mentioned tours, said year.—

1782 during said year out from Spring until late in fall, 2 mos. 15 da. Claimant finding it impracticable to Specify the many tours and occurrences which have transpired and the Service rendered to the United States, by her husband, during said year viz from the month of March until late in fall, the Indians continually have kept lurking and sculking around the Old Settlements, Murdering, Burning and a Number of Prisoners taken to Canada, the Inhabitants continually alarmed in different parts in the then County of Tryon and the Militia often and frequently pursuing the Enemy and at other times watching and Guarding the respective forts, in rendering Garrison duty and of which such Services Claimant saith that her husband had his equal full share of such Service and did render at least the length of Service as placed Opposite during the said period as aforesaid.

1783, latter part of Jany and forepart in February. 22 da. [partly cut off, it says Col Marinus Willett, Oswego. Sounds like he was in the doomed expedition to Oswego where the men were badly frozen.]

Total service claimed, 2 years, 7 months and 23 days.

She furthere declares that she was married to the said Harmanus Cromwell on the 25 th day of December 1773. That her Husband the aforesaid Harmanus Cromwell, died on the 20 th day of February 1826 and that she has remained a widow ever since that period, as will more fully appear by reference to the proof hereto annexed. (Signed with her mark) Catharina Cromwell

Subscribed and Sworn this 18 h day of May 1837. D.F. Sacia, judge of Montgomery County Courts.


Canajoharie April 14, 1838
Hon. J. L. Edwards.

My dear Sir, The declaration of Catharine Cromwell was taken before me—I went with Judge Snell to her house found her in bed sick and totally blind—when our business was made known to her she rose up in bed, and when told who we were she spoke to us very firmly & kindly—I then took her papers and looked over them—and began by asking here questions as to the services rendered by her husband in the Revolutionary War—upon this she commenced with a Statement of his services and gave it substantially as stated in her declaration & with a degree of clearness and particularity which astonished me—When I reflect on her age and that she was wholly blind & had been so for many years I came to the conclusion that she was decidedly the most intelligent old Lady who declaration I had taken—I was perfectly satisfied that the papers as drawn up by Judge Snell were drawn from her statement previously given and that there was nothing in her declaration but what she could and did substantially relate—Her memory was good and she spoke with great familiarity and confidence so as to the different tours of service rendered by her husband, and even in several instances stated the day and year and as to the length of service was very clear & positive—I know her personally & she is an old Lady of truth and sustains an excellent character for truth & intelligence—She is very poor—she is in fact wholly dependant upon a son who has a large family & is also poor—In truth r. Edwards, she is an object of pitty & if there is one old Lay in Montgomery County who is entitled to a pension, she is—I am also well satisfied from her manner that she could not have been prepared by any one to tell the story she did as to the time & her husbands services.

I am Dr. Sir very respectfully yours. &c. D.F. Sacia.

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