Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for John Eastwood

State of New York
Otsego County SS.
            On this fifteenth day of October in the year 1832 personally appeared in Open Court before the Judges of the Court of Comm’n Pleas in and for the said County now sitting John Eastwood a resident of the Town of Butternuts in the County of Otsego and State of New York aged eighty years, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his Oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed the 7th of June 1832—That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated—viz that he enlisted as a private soldier at PittsTown in the State of New York in the month of April 1780 for the term of none months in the company commanded by Capt. Joseph Harrison in Colo. John Harper’s Regiment of New York State troops for the Northern Campaign—that he went with said Regiment to Fort Edward, Fort George and to PalmerTown that he assisted in building a Block House at PalmerTown—thence went to Fort Stanwix and to Onondaga where he was taken prisoner by the British and Indians commanded by Johnson and Brant about the 8th of October 1780 while they were in the act of burning the Indians Castle at that place—that he with the other prisoners were taken to Prisoner’s Island as called and that he was detained as prisoner about two years and ten months when he run away from them on the night of the first of September 1783 and came in to our Troops at Fort Herkimer—he thinks on the morning of the 5th of September 1783 where he saw his old friend Sergeant Rowley who had served in the same company with him as aforesaid and who detached him of others to go destroy the enemy’s boats on Onondaga Lake but a few days before they were taken prisoners as aforesaid—that said Rowley gave him breakfast and he then went on and got home the last of the same month of September after being absent as a soldier and as a prisoner about three years and six months on that tour or Expedition and also that before this he enlisted at Pittstown State of New York in April 1779 in Capt. Levi Stockwell’s Comp’y for nine months and served ins aid Comp’y as Searching parties ro Rangers on the Lakes and on the Lines until January 1780—that he has no Documentary or other evidence of his services but what is hereto annexed—that he hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.  (Signed) John Eastwood
            Sworn to & Subscribed the day and year aforesaid in open court.  Horace Lathrop, Clerk

            The following examination by the court & the interrogatories prescribed by the war Department being put to the said applicant under oath and the following answers were given by him—viz that according to the best of his information he was born near PittsTown in the then county of Albany now County of Renselaer State of New York in the year 1760—that he has no record of his age but Traditionary—that he lived in Pittstown when he was called into the service and lived there some times after that he now lives in the Town of Butternuts in Otsego County and has lived in the same place about thirty years last—that he entered the service by Enlistment both times—to prove his character for veracity & belief of his services he refers to the following named persons residing in his neighborhood and who have been long acquainted with him—viz—Gen’l Jacob Morris, John Judson Esquire, Joseph Gilbert, Captain Seth Rowley, Deacon Rich’d Wesson, Elder Wakefield and Esquire Coye.
            Sworn to & Subscribed the day and year aforesaid in open court.  Horace Lathrop, Clerk

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