Morrison's Pensions

Inquiry into Services of Abner French, Captain

April 11, 1917
Commissioner of Pensions
Washington D.C.
Dear Sir:
            Abner French served as Captain and in other positions during the Revolutionary War.  Will you please give us such information concerning his family, as your records may disclose?  Tradition tells us that he had a daughter Elizabeth, who intermarried with David Barhart, an ancestor.  Can this be substantiated?
            Thanking you in advance, for an early reply, I am,
            Yours Very truly, H. N. Hipskind

Rev. War Section.
August 17, 1917.
Mr. Herman Hipskind,
Over Wabash Col. Loan & Trust Company
Wabash, Indiana
            In response to your letter dated the 11th instant, you are advised that a careful search of the record of this Bureau fails to show a Revolutionary War pension claim on file on account of the services of Abner French, but said records show that 300 acres of bounty land were allowed on account of the service of Abner French as a Captain in the New York troops, Revolutionary War, on Warrant #730 which issued August 30, 1790.  There are no papers on file relative to said claim as they were destroyed when the War Office was burned therefore there is no further information in regard to said soldier.  For location of said land you should apply to the Comm. General Land Office Int. Dept. Wash. D. C.
            Very Respectfully, [not legible] Commissioner

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