Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for William Hall

State of Pennsylvania
Mercer County SS.
            On this 27th of July 1847, personally appeared in open court before the court of Common Pleas of said County now sitting William Hall of said County of Mercer and State of Pennsylvania, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832—That he entered the service of the United States in the militia of the State of New York in the company of Ebenezer Boyd Captain and under Colonel Samuel Drake in Westchester County in the State of New York and served in said company as a volunteer from about the first of October 1779 until  the army was disbanded in the Spring of 1783—That he served as a minute man in said company during said period and was frequently on night duty to protect the property of the citizens from the [?] refugees or Tories who were with the British army in New York—Your deponent further states, that the company in which he served was divided into classes of fifteen men in each class and that this deponent’s father Daniel Hall commanded one of the classes your deponent during said period was in several skirmishes.  On one march he assisted in taking twelve men prisoners who were deserting from the American Army on another occasion he assisted in taking forty knives that were stolen your deponent was born in said Westchester county and resided there for thirty six years—and has resided in Pennsylvania nearly ever since.  Your deponent now believes he is in the eighty second year of his age.  (Signed with his mark)  William Hall
            Sworn & subscribed before me, July 27, 1847  M.C. Trout, [PC?]

Kings County SS.
            Daniel Hall being duly affirmed deposeth and saith that he is a clergyman of the Baptist denomination, now residing in Williamsburg NY in the seventy eighth year of his age, and the brother of William D. Hall.  The deponent further saith that during the Revolutionary War, he resided in Peekskill Westchester Co., NY that his father Dan Hall was Captain of a company called a patrolling company and served as a patrol a considerable time about the period of Burgoyne’s surrender & afterwards; that his brother William S. Hall was a member of said company & served in the same under his father; and to the best of deponent’s knowledge & belief did sometimes command the said company when his father was absent.
            He further states that said company were engaged in a skirmish with the enemy in which they took two prisoners & the deponent assisted in carrying them to the American camp; & he believes that said company was organized and served under the orders of Colonel Samuel Drake, and further deponent saith not.  (Signed) Daniel Hall
            Sworn and subscribed before me this 5th day of April 1847.  William Hughes Justice of the Peace

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