Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Ebenezer Hatch

State of New York
Oswego County SS.
            On this 14th day of December 1832 personally appeared in open court, before the undersigned Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in & for the said County of Oswego, now sitting Ebenezer Hatch, a resident of the Town of Mexico in the said County of Oswego & State of New York aged 66 years who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his oath, make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers, and served as herein stated. Viz:
            On the 7th day of April 1778 in the Town of Hillsdale Columbia Co. N. York I enlisted as a soldier for the term of 9 months in the Company of Captain Robinson or Robertson (Christian name not recollected) of the N. York militia—was mustered on the same day I enlisted, and marched in a few days thereafter direct to Albany & from thence to Fort Schuyler & thence to Fort Stanwix where we joined the Regiment under the command of Col. Willet.  Soon after our arrival at Fort Stanwix, Capt. Robinson was take sick & returned home, and our first Lieut. Peter Loop too the command of our company & continued in command through the season—I think our Second Lieuts name was –Carter—The other officers names I cannot recollect.  We remained at Fort Stanwix until about the first of Dec.  When I volunteered together with about 1500 men to go to Oswego with Col. Willet—I think my Captains name on this expedition was Aaron Hale—Reuben Crippen was my orderly sergeant—After preparing a large quantity of Snowshoes &c, we started on our expedition I think about the 20th of Jany 1779, and after traversing a dreary wilderness, by the way of Oneida Lake, and encountering almost incredible hardships, exposed to all the inclemness of a dreary northern winter, & losing several of our teams, we finally succeeded in reaching Oswego sometime in the month of Feb. 17779, where we found the British in the possession of the Fort at that place; and for some cause to us unknown, Col. Willet declined attacking the Fort and returned, with all his troops that survived, to Fort Stanwix—one our return 53 men perished in one night on the Oneida Lake—a short time after our arrival at Fort Stanwix, I think in the month of March  I rec’d a written discharge from Col. Willet & returned home, after an absence of nearly one year—I know not what has become of my discharge—I have recently made diligent inquiry, but cannot find any person living by whom I can prove my services.
            I was born in the town of Hillsdale, Columbia Co., NY on the 28th day of July 1766 as appears by a record contained in and old family Bible now in the possession of my brother Isaac Hatch who resides in the said Town of Hillsdale, which is the only record I have of my age.  I lived after the close of the Revolutionary War in the town of Hillsdale aforesaid, until about the year 1798 when I removed to the Town of Gt. Barrington Berkshire Co. Mass, where I resided until the year 1824 when I removed to my present residence in the Town of Mexico, where I have since resided—I am acquainted with many people in this town who can testify as to my character for truth & veracity & their belief of my services as a soldier of the Revolution, among, whom is the Rev’d. E. B. Dare & Wm. J. Huntington a Clergymen & Elisha Pitcher Jr.  whose certificates are hereunto annexed.
            I hereby relinquish every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declare that my name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.  (Signed) Ebenezer Hatch
            Sworn to & Subscribed the day & year aforesaid.  D. McPherson, Dep. Clk

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