Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Robert Henry

Southern District
State of New York
City and County of—New York SS.
            On this 29th day of June 1833 personally appeared in open Court, before the Court of Common Pleas for the city and County of New York, now sitting Robert Henry a Resident of the said City, County and State of New York aged eighty years, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of congress passed the 7th June 1832.
            That he entered the service by being drafted and served as he has hereinafter set forth under the following officers.  That he entered the service of the United States for the term of eight months and received his Commission as a Captain from the late Governor George Clinton in the month of July 1780 at Albany in the State of New York in the Regiment commanded by Colonel Vandyke to reinforce the Army of the United States being organized the regiment was ordered to West Point on the Hudson River, to relieve the Continental troops who were ordered to join Washington in August 1780 to attack the City of New York, then in possession of the British.  He was then removed to [Crumss?] Pond near Colonel Jamieson’s quarters and remained there until December 1780 and was there at the time Major Andre was taken in September of that year.  During the period he remained he was principally engaged in guard duty.  His term of service having expired he did again in or about the month of April 1787 Volunteer for one year in the Regiment commanded by the same Colonel Vandyke and received his appointment as Captain.
            In June 1781 by the orders of General Clinton the troops were to be in readiness to march and defend the western part of the State from an expected attack from Canada.  Instead of marching in that direction, ordered shortly after to repair to Peekskill on the North River and remained there until the beginning of July 1781 when ordered to Tarrytown where Andre was taken the preceding year.  From Tarrytown marched to Valentine’s Hill near Kings Bridge to attack the British Post but the British having retreated towards the City of New York the American troops were marched back to Peekskill and remained there until October following when applicant and his Regiment were ordered to Albany and there detached and placed in that month under the command of Colonel Marinus Willett on an expedition against the British and Indians and overtook them at Johnstown where a Battle was fought and the enemy defeated and pursuing them at Canada Creek and killed their Major.  On returning back to Albany remained there until ordered in January 1782 to the Posts on the North River and remained some times at West Point, Peekskill, Tarrytown, Verplanck’s Point.  His years service having expired he did in or about the month of May 1782 Volunteer again for six months in the same regiment.  In June 1782 he was stationed opposite West Point and in July following he was stationed at Peekskill when the Declaration of Independence was celebrated.  In August 1782 was stationed at Verplancks Point and in October following marched to New Windsor near NewBurgh and ordered into Winter Quarters shortly after his term of service for the last six months expired during all which time he served as a Captain in the Revolutionary Army in the line of his duty and under competent authority and during his said services as a Captain in the Army of the Revolution of which the foregoing is at present as near as he can recollect, he was not engaged in any civil pursuit.
            The preceding declaration and the annexed proofs constitute his present evidence for a pension.
            He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the Pension roll of the Agency of any State.
            As to the Interrogatories presented by the Department he says, First, he was born at Albany in the State of New York on the First day of June 1753 as he has understood, Second, There was a family record but his family having been dispersed and nearly extinct, the same has been either destroyed lost or mislaid, Third, when he entered the service he lived at Albany where he resided some time after the peace in 1784.  And he has since resided at Hudson in the State of New York, NewBurgh, Philadelphia and for several years back in the City of New York, Fourth, he was drafted into the service, Fifth, The Regular and Militia Officers with whom he served at various periods to the best of his recollection were Washington, General Gates, General Wayne, General Clinton, Col. Jamieson, Col. Willett, Col. VanDyke, Col. Hammond, Lieutenant Oser, Capt. Webb, Capt. Tredwell and many others—Sixth, Received his Commission as a Captain from his Excellency Governor George Clinton signed by him which is lost.  Seventh, Applicant is acquainted with William B. Purdy, R.J. Waterbury, William Britton in his present neighborhood who will testify as to his veracity and their belief of his services as an officer of the Revolution.  (Signed) Robert Henry
            Sworn and Subscribed this 29th day of June 1833 in open court.  Abm. Asten, Clk

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