Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Peter Johnson

To the Hon Calvin Goddard a Judge of the Superior Court in & for the District of Connecticut
            Peter Johnson a man of Colour, now of Franklin in [New London?] County & the District of Connecticut, formerly of the City of New York wod [sic] represent that he entered the service of the United States in the year of 1776 as a soldier & served during the whole of the Revolutionary War, in Capt. Smith’s Company in Col. Dubois Regiment in the New York Line, & also served under the Command of Capt Stephen Smith in his company & also in Capt. Johnson Smith’s Company and was occasionally a waiter to sundry officers—particular Maj’r Andrew Porter, at the close of the war I was honorably discharged which discharge was signed by Genl Washington, but s’d discharge was burnt, in the house No 40, Washington Street in S’d City of New York – occupied by a Mr. George Tillharp—the s’d Peter [?] prays to have the above facts stated to the Hon’r Secrutary of War that is the facts Warrant he may be placed on the pension list accordingly the late law of congress.  (Signed with his mark)  Peter Johnson
            Dated at Norwich the 31st March 1818.
State of Connecticut, New London SS.
            Be it remembered that on this first day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred eighteen personally came before me Calvin Goddard one of the Judges of the Supr Court for the State of Connecticut Peter Johnson otherwise called Peter Bonet & made oath to truth of the following declaration by him subscribed—That he enlisted into the Army of the United States in the War of the revolution upon the Continental Establishment some time in the year 1776 for & during the war & faithfully [?] the end [?] in 1783.  That he belonged to the first Regiment New York line commanded by Col. James Clinton in a company commanded by Capt. Smith—that he was honorably discharged therefrom—That by reason of his reduced circumstances in life in need of assistance from his country for his support.  (Signed with his mark)  Peter Johnson.
            Sworn & declared before me day & year aforesaid.  Calvin Goddard Judge Sp’r Court.

A schedule of the whole estate of Peter Johnson except what is exempted by law viz.  two pigs 5 $ each ($10.00,) one table 0.50—5 chairs 1.25—1/2 doz plated 0.50 e (2.25) ½ Doz tea cops & saucers 0.50 –one spider 25  .75—one tea kettle 25 2 teapots 25—1/2 doz spoons 12, (.62)  Total $13.62.

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