Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Richard Loucks

(The Deposition given by Richard Loucks is not legible.  Below is the part that is legible.)
State of New York
Montgomery County SS
            On the second day of August 1834 Personally appeared before me Laurence Marcullus, a Justice of the Peace in the Town of Palatine and County aforesaid, Conrad Hitts and John L. Nellis, both of the Town, County and State aforesaid who are duly sworn according to Law, doth on their oat say that they have been personally known and acquainted with Richard Loucks the person claiming a Pension for his services rendered to the United States in the Revolutionary War, in his supplemental declaration hereto attached, That deponents say that they hath been personally known and acquainted with the said Claimant from the time of his Youth, that they had always lived near Neighbours together, previous to the Revolutionary War during the same and ever since, to this present day, These deponents further say an declare that Claimant Emediently after he arrived to the age of sixteen years, that he was enrolled in the same company of Militia to which he belonged to Vizt, Commanded by Capt Henry Miller, in the Regt Commanded by Col. Jacob Klock his enrolment did proof, a true and faithful soldier for and during the remainder part of the Revolutionary War, to the full and Conclusion thereof—And these deponents further depose and say that the said applicant in their opinion, did render his equal share of service with others then belonging to said Company or Regt, at least as far as come to them now Personal knowledge and observation, Claimant never failed, neither  excused himself when called upon, always found ready at a moment’s warning—
            Deponents further say that Claimant on the 29th day of July 1781 was actually engaged in Battle, in what is called Landman’s Battle against a large body of Indians and Tories, headed by Lieut. Klock from Canada also forepart of July, called out by Regt by order of Col. Willett, at the time of Turlough Battle and Engagement, deponents further say that they are personally known that at the time of the Gen’l Conflagration, Burning, Murdering and scalping forepart in October 1781 at and around Fort Timmerman, Claimant went in pursuit of the Incendiaries, under the Command of Col. Willett, two days and the first whole night—deponents further State that they are personally known that on the 25th day of October Claimant was actually engaged in Battle, under the Command of Col Willett, against Maj’r Ross and Capt Butler with their incendiaries from Canada generally called Johnstown Battle, and that deponents are personally ??? that Claimant after Battle under the command of Col. Willett went in pursuit of Maj’r Ross & Capt Butler with their Incendiaries, deponent further depose and say, that they have been with Claimant on frequent and many other tours from the time he commenced in rendering services to the United States until the conclusion of the War, that he always did render such services required of him to perform, with alacrity, that becoming a brave and obedient soldier.  Deponents further depose and say that in their opinion, Claimant is a person of irreproachable character, of truth and veracity, and that is statement contained in his supplemental declaration is entitled to full credit.
(Signed) Conrat Hitts, John L. Nellis.
State of New York
Montgomery County SS
            On the 18th day of May 1836, Personally appeared before me John T. Getman a Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Montgomery aforesaid John L. Nellis of the Town of Palatine, County and State aforesaid, who was duly sworn according to Law, deposeth and saith, that he is aged seventy three years past since 3 December last as appears by church record, and that he hath been a Revolutionary Militia Soldier—And deponent further saith, that he was personally acquainted with Richard Loucks of the same place aforesaid, also personally known, that the said Richard, a Claimant for Pension has been a Revolutionary Soldier, with himself that they were not only near Neighbours together, but also belonging to one and the same Company and Reg’t, under Command of Capt. Henry Miller, and the Reg’t Commanded by Col. Jacob Klock and Peter Waggoner Lieut. Col. and as appears by Church Record the said Claimant was born July 23, 1764 now aged some short of Seventy Two years deponent further declare and State, that Claimant has been a true and faithful Whig, and proved a good and faithful soldier for and during the time Emediately after he arrived to the age of Sixteen years, when he was enrolled------and continued in rendering his full equal share of services to the United States with others of the Militia until the end and conclusion of the American struggles for liberty and Independence, that his two older Brothers vizt Henry & Jacob also have been true and genuine  friends in achieving the American Independence, that the former vizt Henry was engaged in that memorable Battle fought on the 6th Aug’t 1777 at Oriskany again in fall same year, drafted to Still Water thence under the command of Gen’l Gates where Emediately after his return home to his place of said residence, taken sick & died.
            And deponent further saith that he finding it impracticable to specify the different times, which Claimant has rendered to the United States, but satisfied that Claimant has and did render services from the time he was enrolled equal with any belonging to the said Company by rendering Garrison duty, frequently in consequence of the incursions of the Enemy on continual and frequent alarm, pursuing the enemy and deponent further saith that Claimant services rendered to the United States if practicable to ascertain the full length of his services & that it ??? and that Claimant on the 29th day of July 1781 Claimant was engaged in Landman’s Battle, feels assured that it could average five months annually at least—that he had been engaged in that memorable battle generally called Johnstown Battle under Col. Willett deponent further saith that Claimant is a man of truth and veracity and his testimony entitled to credit.
(Signed)  John  L. Nellis
Sworn and subscribed before me this 16th day of May 1836.  John T. Getman JP
State of New York
Montgomery County SS
            On the 16th day of May 1836 Personally appeared before me John T. Getman one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid George I Saltsman of the Town of Palatine and in the county and state aforesaid a Revolutionary Soldier who being duly sworn deposeth and saith that he as been well acquainted with Richard Loucks of the same place aforesaid an Claimant for a Pension , Previous to the Revolutionary War, during the same and ever since that they always have lived near Neighbours together and also attached and belonging to the Company of Militia Commanded by Capt. Henry Miller and to the Regt Commanded by Col. Jacob Klock and Lieut, Col. Peter Waggoner.—
            And deponent further saith, that Claimant as appeared by Church Record, was born on the 23d day of July 1764, and that he has entered the service of the United States, latter part in July 1780, and that Claimant has been a faithful Soldier from the time he was enrolled and for and during the remainder Part of the said War to the final Conclusion thereof.
            And Deponant further saith Claimant in his opinion hath rendered his full share of United States services, equal with others of the Militia belonging to the same Company or Reg’t and fully persuaded and satisfied in his mind that from the time of his entering the service, that it would average at least the length of five months, annually, United States services rendered from July 1780 to say January 1783, that by performing Garrison duty, often and frequently ordered out repelling the incursions of the common Enemy.  At other times called out in consequence of alarms, also that in July 1781 ordered out by Reg’t to reinforce Col. Willett at the time of Turlough Battle, again on the 29th of July Claimant was engaged in Battle, generally called Landman’s Battle under the comma nod Capt. Miller and Lieut. Jacob Sammons, Lieut. Gray, and Lieut. Paris against a large force of Indians and Tories from Canada—Again on the 25th Oct  same year 1781 Claimant was engaged in that Memorable Battle under the command of Col. Willett and Col. Waggoner Generally called Johnstown Battle, against Maj’r Ross & Capt. Butler with their incendiaries  from Canada, Composed of Indians and Tories the number of 800 or there about,--and deponent further states, that at the time of the General Depredation around about Fort Timmerman, then Palatine was Oppenheim, deponent believes that Claimant has been along, under the command of Col. Willett, in pursuit of  the enemy either latter part of Sept or forepart of Oct, same year 1781, saith Capt. Brandt with about 400 Indians and Tories from Canada, vizt, pursuing the enemy.  The same afternoon during the whole night and the latter part of all next day but Col. Willett failed in his pursuit in given up his desirable object—
            Deponent further saith that claimant is a man of truth and veracity and it testimony entitled to full credit.
(Signed) George Saltsman
            Sworn and subscribed to this 16th day of May 1836 before me John T.  Getman JP.
State of New York
Montgomery County SS.  On the 16th day of May 1836 personally appeared before me John T. Getman a Justic of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid Conrad Kitts of the Town of Palatine County and State aforesaid, aged eighty years past who being duly sworn according to law, deposeth and saith that he has been personally acquainted with Richard Loucks, la resident of the Town, County and State aforesaid from the time he was an infant child at the Commencement of the Revolutionary War, during the same to the Conclusion thereof, deponent further saith that they had lived near neighbours since both were born as always understood not to exceed four hundred paces apart.—
            This deponent further saith that he is personally knows that the said Richard Loucks a Claimant for a Pension, has proved a faithful soldier in the Revolutionary War, from July 1780, and that he hath rendered good and faithful services to the United States for and during the remainder part of the aforesaid Revolutionary War to final conclusion thereof—always ready, and willing to obey the call in support of the rights and liberties of his country that he belonged and was attached to the same company of Militia commanded by Capt. Henry Miller to which deponent belonged to and to the Reg’t Commanded by Col. Jacob Klock and Lieut Col. Peter Waggoner.—
            Deponent further says that he is personally known that Claimant on the 25th Oct 1787 was engaged in that memorable Battle under the Command of Col. Willett, against Major Ross, and Butler with their incendiaries from Canada.
            Deponent further says that sometime forepart of July, same year, Claimant with not only his company belonging to but the whole reg’t ordered out to reinforce Col. Willett at the time of Turlough Battle, chiefly traveling all night when arrived on the Ground of Battle Col. Willett with the Americans had gained the Victory, passing each other without being seen after the faith [fate?] of Battle was decided.
            Again on the 29th July 1781 although deponent not being present but always understood and did belief that Claimant was actually engaged in Battle against force of Indians and Tories from Canada.—
            Deponent further saith that he feeling perfectly assured and satisfied that not only Claimant but the Militia Solder in General,  one and after the time Claimant was enrolled were more frequently alarmed, and ordered out in consequence of the frequent and often incursions and murders, committed by the Enemy in watching guarding and rendering Garrison duties vizt Guarding against the incursions of the Common  Incendiaries, there at any other, the same period, previous thereto—
            Deponent further saith that not only claimant but his two Elder brothers Henry & Jacob connectively with their Father, all have been genuine Whigs, and ??? sincere friends in achieving the American Liberties and Independence and in addition with others in Common great sufferers, vizt on the 19th Oct 1780 at the time of that Gen’l conflagration of that old noted settlement of Stonearabia by Sr. John with his associate Tory and Indian Incendiaries form Canada.
            Deponent further state that Claimant , his services rendered, from the time he was enrolled until the final end or Conclusion of the aforesaid Revolution to the United States will at least average at five months annually.—
            And deponent further says that Claimant is a man of truth and veracity and his testimony entitled to full credit.—
(Signed) Conrad Kitts
            Sworn and subscribed to this 16th day of May 1836 Before Me. John T. Getman

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