Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Abraham Bergh

W. 17,282
State of New York
Schoharie County
            On the fifth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two, personally appeared in open court before the Judges of the Court of common Pleas now sitting Abraham Bergh, a resident of the town and county of Schoharie, and state of New York, aged seventy three years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.
That he served the service of the United States under the following named officers, and served as herein stated.
            He in the first year was named to appear at the place in the town and county of Schoharie, then County of Albany in Captain George Mann’s (1) Company in Colonel Peter Vrooman’s Regiment to meet at or near the Lower Fort in Schoharie.  It was sometime in the fall of the year 1775 according to the best of his recollection, he joined the company at Schoharie aforesaid, being the place of his residence.
            That they marched to Albany and from there to Still Water and from there to Fort Edward, he does not recollect the number of days he stayed there, they marched back to Half  Moon and from there to Schenectady; that Colonel Vrooman was along with the regiment at the time.  They marched from Schenectady to Caughnawaga then to Johnstown where he was discharged.  That he was in the service at that time about 27 days.
            That in the year 1776 he was again ordered into the service in Capt. Christian Stubrach’s (2) Company in Colonel Peter Vrooman’s Regiment, it was some time in the spring of the year that he joined the company at the Lower Fort in Schoharie aforesaid, and he continued in the service in the same company and regiment till late in the fall when he was discharged at Schoharie aforesaid.
            That again in the spring of the year 1777, he was again ordered into the service at Schoharie aforesaid, that he joined Captain Stubrachs Company in Colonel Vroman’s Regiment and continued till late in the fall in the service when he was discharged at Schoharie aforesaid.
            That in the spring of the year 1778, he was again called in to the same company and regiment at Schoharie aforesaid and served in it till in the fall of the same year when he was discharged at Schoharie aforesaid.
            That in the spring of the year, 1779, he was again ordered into the same company and regiment at Schoharie aforesaid and continued to serve in the same company and regiment till in the fall of the year when he was discharged at Schoharie aforesaid.
            That in the spring of the year 1780 he again was ordered into the service in the same company and regiment and served in at Schoharie aforesaid till in the fall of the same year when he was discharged at Schoharie aforesaid.
            That the next spring he was again called in to the same company and regiment at Schoharie aforesaid and served in it till in the fall of the year when he was discharged at the place aforesaid in the year 1781.
            He was again called in to the same company and regiment in the spring of the year 1782, and served till in the fall of the same year at Schoharie aforesaid when he was discharged.
            That in the spring of the year 1783 he was again called in to the same company and regiment at Schoharie aforesaid and continued in it till in the month of May when they were all discharged at Schoharie aforesaid, was in at that time about 20 days.
            That the now County of Schoharie was then a frontier settlement and that during the war it was greatly troubled with the savages who generally scalped and murdered all that they could over power excepting such as they took prisoners.
            That during a great part of the time he was in the service he was engaged in scouting and guarding the fort and in helping guard and protect the inhabitants.
            And to the interrogatories of the court he answered:
            That he was born, as he has been informed by his parents, in the Town of Schoharie (now) County of Schoharie and state aforesaid in the month of July 1760 and that his age on record in the Lutheran Church book in the town and County of Schoharie.  That he was living when called into the service in the Town and now County of Schoharie and State of New York, and has ever since lived in said town and lives there now that he was ordered in to the service as he as stated in his declaration and that he served for him self and not as a substitute.  He does not recollect the names of the regular officers, who were with the troops when he joined that he does not recollect of any having been stationed near where he served for any considerable length of time.  That he never had a written discharge that he recollects of.  That his is acquainted with a good many in his neighborhood who he thinks can testify as to his character for veracity and their belief of his services as a soldier of the Revolution to wit: Jacob Schoolcraft, John Schoolcraft, Henry Becker, John Becker, Jacob Becker, Bartholomew Swart and Philip Bergh and others.
            He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state. (Signed) Abraham Bergh
            Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid in open court.  John Gebhard Jr. Clk

End Notes

  1. Captain George Mann’s Company (First Company) in Colonel Peter Vrooman’s Regiment of Albany County Militia.  (Fifteenth Regiment.)
  2. First Lieutenant Christian Stubrach was commissioned Captain of the First Company on 20 February 1778 in Place of Captain Mann.  Captain Mann had been replaced because of his Loyalist sympathies.

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