Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Asahel Foote

Commonwealth of Massachusetts
County of Berkshire
            On this twenty-eighth day of August A.D. 1836, personally appeared in open court, before the Honorable William P. Walker, Judge of the Court of Probate, within and for said County of Berkshire, no sitting, Asahel Foote, a resident of the town of Lee in the County of Berkshire and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, aged sixty-nine years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress, passed June 7, 1832.
            That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers, and served as herein stated.  On the third day of July in the year A.D. 1777, enlisted in the company commanded by Captain Ford in the regiment commanded by Col. William Brown (1) of Pittsfield in the Line of the State of Massachusetts, I enlisted in The Town of Lee. 
            We went immediately to Albany where we stayed over a week and we were put into companies.  From Albany we marched to Schoharie for the purpose of guarding the town from the British and Indians, and where we acted as scouts.  In the town there were three forts, designated by the terms, upper, middle and lower forts.  I was placed part of the time in one of them and part of the time in another.
            The Indians made no attacks upon the forts, but our scouting parties had frequent skirmishes with them.  We was dismissed and commenced our return home on the 20th of November of that year having served during that enlistment.  I served four months, I remained at home until July of the next summer when I was drafted in Capt. Marsh’s (2) company in Stockbridge in Col. Brown’s Regiment. 
            We marched to Albany from thence to Schoharie after we had been at Schoharie some time the Indians came down upon it  I was then on guard and was the first to give the alarm about break of day.  They had with them a howitzer and four-pounder for the purpose of throwing in upon our fort.  Shells and balls we had then but seventy men in the fort.  They commenced their firing upon us for the purpose of burning our magazine.  They Threw into the fort with a dozen shells which set our magazine on fire three times.  Some of our men were not in mortally wounded.  We had in the fort some rifle men from Virginia (3) rangers who were not subject to the command of our officers one of them shot down three different men who had been sent by the enemy with a flag of truce and we supposed to demand our surrender.
            The enemy remained till near night fall when they drew off and commenced their firing upon one of the other forts from thence they went to Stonerarbias then called Stone Robby to which place we followed them.  They had arrived a short time before on our way many cattle lay slaughtered until hardly an animal to be seen living, houses smoking in ruins & when we arrived at Stone Robby, many of the inhabitants was laying in their gore yet unburied.  We were informed that the Indians had placed ten of the number in sight a short distance from that fort and that Colo. Brown had ordered his men to pursue them.  They retired and led Col.  Brown into an ambuscade (4) in a notch where they were arose upon them and slaughtered almost all of them.  Col. Brown fell the first fire and was deposited in his grave the day before we arrived.
            I remained in the service until the last of Nov. And served a few days over four months.  I remained at home until the first of August 1781 when a call was made upon the Town of Lee to furnish a certain number of men three years men.  I was drafted and entered the company commanded by Captain Kellum in the regiment in which Maj. Ashley of Stockbridge was Major.  The Colo. I do not recollect.  I went to Stockbridge to Shuron White Plains and then directly to West Point where I remained until the last of the next March when I was relieved by another person and returned home.  While I was there Gen. Washington was there and at West Point many times.  General Gates was also there.  I was under the Continental officers this campaign, but at the time I served, I was in the Line of the State of Mass.
            In this service I remained Eight months.
            I served in my first campaign 4 months
            Do                     Second               Do
            Do                     Third                    8
                                    Total 16 months
            I was born in Colchester Ct. in the year 1763, 22 April.  I have a record of my age in my family.  I entered the service always in the town of Lee where I then lived and where I have lived ever since.
I never had a discharge.  I know of no person living who can testify to my services during the Revolution.
            I am acquainted with the Rev. Alva Hyde of Lee and Stephen Couch, the former of whom I have known more than forty years. 
            (Here the record ends.)

Asahel Foote, End Notes

  1.  Ashel is mistaken in several parts for this service.  The year was in 1780. He was born in 1763 and he couldn’t have been 16 until 1779 when he was of legal age to enlist.  He gives the correct information as to where he was serving which also helps date the correct year of service.  He served under Captain William Foord in Colonel John [not William] Brown’s Regiment of Massachusetts State Levies.  They were at the Middle Fort in Schoharie.
  2. Asahel is again mistaken.  This service was all under Colonel Brown in 1780.  There was no Captain Marsh in this regiment.
  3. The men were partly from Captain Isaac Bogart’s Company in Lieutenant-Colonel John Harper’s Regiment of New York State Levies.  Timothy Murphy and the other riflemen had been part of Colonel Daniel Morgan’s Rifle Corp but when their enlistments ended after the Sullivan-Clinton Campaign they returned to the Schoharie Valley where they had been stationed until they went on the Iroquois Campaign.  They made their homes in theSchoharie and served locally in the militia and the levies.
  4. Asahel is referring to the raid led by Sir John Johnson in both cases.  Sir John and his crown troops and Indian allies attacked the forts and settlements in the Schoharie Valley on the 17th of October 1780.  Sir John then proceeded north and burned the settlement across the Schoharie Creek from Fort Hunter on the 18th.  On the 19th he reached Stone Arabia and met the American forces under Colonel Brown.  Colonel was killed on his 36th birthday along with about 40 of his men.

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