Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Victor Putman

State of New York
Montgomery County SS.
            On this 10th day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & thirty four, personally appeared in Open Court before the Court of Common Pleas of said County now Sitting Victor Putman a resident of the Town of Amsterdam and said county and state aforesaid aged Seventy nine years who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.  That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated.  In January 1775 (1) (the day of the month cannot state) I volunteered under Captain Emanuel Degraff (2), Peter VanOlinda 1st Lieut., Swart 2d Lieut & Ensign Derick Van Vechten and went from Tripes Hill to Caughnawaga and Johnstown and remained there at the latter place until John Johnson surrendered his forces to Gen.Schuyler this company belonged to Col. Fisher’s Regiment of Militia and served nine days at this time and was then verbally discharged and served as a private.  In the month of May (day cannot state) in the year 1776, I was drafted and went from Tripes Hill aforesaid to Ballston, Saratoga County under the officers last above mentioned and served four days as a private and was verbally discharged.  In the month of June (the day of the month cannot state) in the year 1776 I volunteered under the command of Captain Peter Yates, Francis Putman 1st Lieut., Garrit Putman 2nd Lieut, belonging to Col. Frederick Fisher’s Regiment of Militia and went from Tripes Hill to Herkimer where Gen. Philip Schuyler held a treaty with the Indians and served at this time 35 days as a private and was verbally discharged.  In September (day cannot state) I volunteered as a private under Captain Emanuel Degraff’s Company belonging to Fisher’s Regiment and went from Tripes Hill to Sacendaga and was out 5 days at this time same year last mentioned.
            In July (day cannot state) in the year 1777 I volunteered as a private and went from Tripes Hill to Cherry Valley under Captain Emanuel Degraff & the same officers before mentioned belonging to his company and served 5 days at this time and was verbally discharged.  In August of 1777 (day cannot state) the whole of the Militia, under Gen. Herkimer were ordered out, and go to Oriskany and went from Tripes Hill under the Command of Capt. Emanuel Degraff belonging to Fisher’s Regiment and served as a private 8 days and was verbally discharged.  In the Fall of the same year as last aforesaid, the month I cannot state, I served under Captain Garrit (3) Putman the other company officers cannot state, belonging to Fisher’s Regiment and went from Tripes Hill to Minden and was Stationed at Fort Plank and served as a private volunteer 14 days at this time and was then verbally discharged.  In June (the day cannot state) in the year 1778 I volunteered under Captain Emanuel Degraff and went from Tripes Hill and marched to Stone Arabia and was out at this time Seven days and was then verbally discharged.  In the same year as last above stated the time of year I cannot State, I volunteered under Capt. Andrew Wemple (4) the other officer of the company I cannot state belonging to Fisher’s Regiment and went from Tripes Hill to Johnstown and was stationed at the Garrison at that place and served 16 days and was then verbally discharged.  In February 1779 I volunteered under Capt. Emanuel Degraff and went from Tripes Hill to Stone Arabia, and was out at this time 6 days and was then verbally discharged and served as a private.  In April 1779 I volunteered as a private under Capt. E. Degraff and went from Tripes Hill to Palatine and served nine days at this time and was verbally discharged.  In September 1779 I volunteered as a private under Capt. Degraff and went from Tripes Hill to Bowman’s Creek and Herkimer and served ten days and was then verbally discharged.
            I volunteered as a private under Capt. E. Degraff and went from Tripes Hill to Johnstown.  I do not recollect the year.  I served at this time four days.
            In Oct. 1780 I volunteered as a private under Gen. VanRensalaer (5) and went with him to Herkimer 8 days in the year 1780.  The time I went out and when discharged I cannot now State.  I served as a draft and private under Captain Gardinier (6) the other company officers cannot now State belonging to Fisher’s Regiment.  I served in this year 6 months and was on duty in the garrison at Fort Hunter during that time to wit 6 months.  In the year 1781 I served as a private draft under Captain Anthony Whelps(7) in the garrison at Fort Hunter 6 months the names of the other company officers do not now recollect, the time of year when called out and when discharged can’t state.  In the year 1782 I served as a private draft under Capt. Anthony Whelps.  I served 6 months when called out & when discharged cannot now State and was on garrison duty at Fort Hunter near Tripes Hill, belonging as he now thinks to Col. Dubois Regiment.
            He says that he was born in the year 1752 at Tripes Hill, Tryon County.  He says that he has no record of his age.  He says that he resided at Tripes Hill when called into the service during the Revolutionary War and says that he has resided there ever since the Revolutionary War and resides there now.  He says that he volunteered and drafted into the service.  He says he cannot state the names of any regular officers except Gen. Schuyler who were with him when he served and no other militia Regiments and circumstances than he has already stated.  He never received a discharge or discharges for his different Terms of service.  He is known by the following persons residing in his neighborhood who can testify as to his character for truth and veracity and their belief of his services as a soldier of the Revolution to wit James Cushney & Hugh Sanford.
            He says that there is no clergyman residing in his neighborhood with whom he is acquainted and that he cannot procure the affidavit of a clergyman.  He says that he cannot prove all his services by any living witness and can prove only part.  He hereby relinquishes his every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the Agency of any state.  (Signed Victor Putman)
            Sworn & Subscribed to the day & year aforesaid. Geo. D. Ferguson, Clerk
            Mr. James Cushney of the town of Johnstown and Hugh Sanford residing in the town of Johnstown hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Victor Putman who has subscribed to the foregoing declaration that we believe him to be seventy nine years old on the 18th day of November last past that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a Soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in that opinion.  (Signed) James Cushney, Hugh Sanford.
            Sworn & Subscribed the day & year aforesaid in open court.  Geo. D. Ferguson, Clk.

End Notes for Victor Putman—S22944

  1. Actually the year would be 1776 when General Philip Schuyler had mustered the Albany and Tryon County Militia on the frozen Mohawk River at Caughnawaga.
  2. The Seventh company—The Second Lieutenant was Josiah Swart.  The company belonged to the Third Regiment of Tryon County Militia Commanded by Colonel Frederick Visscher.  This regiment was also known as the Mohawk District Regiment.
  3. Garret Putman was also his brother.  Another brother was killed at the Battle of Oriskany on August 6, 1777.  Victor does not give his Christian name.
  4. Captain Andrew Wemple in May of 1780 deserted to the enemy and became a Lieutenant in Butler’s Rangers.  Victor’s service would have been before this time—which helps to confirm his recollection to the year of 1778.
  5. General Robert Van Rensselaer went in pursuit of Sir John Johnson who burned Stone Arabia and defeated an American force under Colonel John Brown on the morning of the 19th of October 1780.  In the afternoon the American caught up with Sir John near the present day St. Johnsville, Montgomery County and a second battle ensured.  A detachment of the third under Lieutenant-Colonel Volkert Veeder was in that battle.
  6. Jacob Gardinier was Captain of the First Company in the Third Regiment.
  7. Captain Whelp was in Colonel Marinus Willett’s Regiment of New York state Levies in 1781 and 1782.  Victor’s name is not on the 1781 payroll land there are none known for 1782.  Captain Whelp was stationed at Fort Hunter at various times.

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