Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for John Spracher, Spracker, Spraker

Note: Previously the copy used for transcribing was in bad shape and simply not legible.  Recently a better copy became available and this pension application was redone.  The first copy is on line and available for printing.  The applicant is very confused regarding the sequence of events.

State of New York
Montgomery County SS.
            On this 19th day of Sept. 1832—personally appeared in open court before the Court of common Pleas now sitting John Spracher a resident of the Town of Palatine in the County of Montgomery and State of New York aforesaid aged 70 years 2 months and [?] days who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
            That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers & served as herein stated, Vizt at the commencement of the Revolutionary War than aged exceeding 17 years, and Emediently entered in the company of Militia, commanded by Capt. John Breadbeg in which John Zielly 1st Lieut. George [Eacker?] 2d Lieut the Ensign doth not recollect, in the Regiment commanded Jacob Klick col. Peter Waggoner, Lieut Col. Until after Oriskany Battle when Capt. Breadbeg got wounded, that Lieut Zielly afterwards succeeded in taking the command of the same company until in October 25th 1781 when in Johnstown Battle his Capt. Hath been taken prisoner by the Enemy and that he this claimant further declares, that he afterwards continue in performing Military duty under Capt. John Dillenbagh in the same beat and company until the close of the Revolutionary War.  And that this applicant further declares that emediently after the commencement of the said war, and after being enrolled, that he hath furnished himself with sufficient arms and accouterments confirmable to the directions and orders from his superior officers and in compliance with the laws & resolutions passed, as well by Congress of the United States and the then Colonie or State of New York, and that he kept himself always in readyiness at a moments warning and often and frequently did turn out in repelling the Incursions of the enemy to our country.
            That the applicant first declares, that Emediently after the Commencement of the war, to the best of this claiments knowledge and recollection, he thinks early in summer he enlisted in a volunteer company commanded by Jacob W. Seeber, who was his Capt. As Early in the year 1775, that the company was organized and kept and trained for a short space of time in the then Town of Canajoharie now Town of Minden, then County of Tryon and now Montgomery County, at the place called Fort Plain, when afterwards ordered to March to Fort Stanwix, making a halt or stop at Herkimer, found expedient to watch & guard the inhabitance for he beliefs about two weeks, when after marching to Fort Stanwix, and there continued until the fall [?] and term of nine months, for which time enlisted, the company was kept at hard labour for and during the whole time while at Fort Stanwix in procuring timber, and working in Erecting the Fort.
            And the applicant further declares, that he continued in performing duty and services in every occurrence and emergency, until in June & July 1777 for about four weeks, ordered under Genl Herkimer to march to Unadilla down the Susquehanna River with the Militia, there mett, Capt. Brandt, [?] supposed with about 500 warriors came into our camp, Genl. Herkimer & Brandt mutually treating in separating, without taking Battle is such had not proved to have taken place, Genl. Herkimer with the Militia not only the services of this claimant but in only all present, would have been completely in the Power of Capt. Brandt and his warriours, but all allowed making safe return to their respective families, at that critical period to time.
            Again this applicant declares that soon after their campaign to Unadilla again ordered out to march under the command of Genl. Nicholas Herkimer to Fort Stanwix with all the Militia of his Brigade, when Genl St. Leger with his army hath been besieging the Fort when Col. Willett, Col. Gansevoort had command of the Fort, but ordered by the Genl before engaged in battle at Oriskany for himself with others to return to the said Castle guarding the Genls, his own habitation & family as well than other of the Inhabitants near about his own when battle took place on the 6th Augt 1777.
            And this applicant further declares that [?] keeping himself in readiness at a moments warning and did performed varied duties and services at different and various times, watching and guarding forts, sometimes at some of our nearest and often at a distance, guarding against the Incursions of the Incendiaries, vizt against the common Enemy of the County until in the year 1778.  This applicant declares that he enlisted in the year 1778.  This applicant declares that he Enlisted under Capt. Leffeler who was and must have been either appointed by Col. Lewis who was Genl. Quartermaster or Col. Yates Deputy Genl Quartermaster in the State of New York employed & commissioned as Capt. for nine months the season, to take command of Company of Batteaumen for the Transportation of provisions and supplies for the United States Troops in service, and that he hath continued faithfully under his employ under the said Capt. Until the full end and term of nine months. Transporting the supplies & engaged boating on the North river.
            And went in the succeeding two years again this applicant declares that he enlisted in the company of Batteaumen under the command of Capt. Samuel Gray for nine months each year under similar authority and circumstances, alike the forgoing when under Capt. Lefflear to put down the Susquehanny river excepting boating and transporting up on the Mohawk River, generally to Fort Stanwix, that he declares both his capts are dead, and no more, and that no documentary proof can be produced nor particular witnesses to support his own declaration in full as to the three persons, serviced under Capt. Leffeller & Gray.
            That this applicant declares that on the 22d day of May in the year 1780 he was ordered out with the militia Col. Klocks Regt to march to Cachnawaga [Caughnawaga?] Town of Johnstown but previous to their reaching Cachnawaga that Sr John Johnson with his Incendieries vizt Tories & Indians had left Cachnawaga after murdering, scalping, buring & taking a number of prisoners, vizt, men, women and children, that this claimant in pursuit of the Common enemy, he beliefs under the emedient command of Col. John Harper, to the village of Johnstown when they sent the enemy marching across the Hall Farm at a distance near the woods, pursuing Col. Harper, fought most advisable I saving the lifes, of all the prisoners in pursuing them into the woods after women & children sent back.
            That this applicant declares further that he was ordered out with the Militia to join Col. Willett, at Turlough now County of Schoharie, and Emediently after our arrival Willet had taken battle, against a large number of Indians and Tories in the woods, finding one young boy near the encampment of the enemy although intended to have been killed and murdered, but living and his scalp taken off, taken along on our return afterwards cured &c.
            Again this applicant declares that he hath been in battle, at Johnstown on the 28th day of October 1781 then emediently under the command of Col. Willet, which hath proved a serious conflict a number of lifes lost and many taken prisoner, but at last one man retained the ground, and the enemy again took the woods, he declares that many lifes were lost and prisoners taken on both sides.  The Appliant further declares, that he has been engaged in Brown’s battle where Col. Brown was slain in the field of Battle at its commencement Browns men constraint to retreat, Sr. John Johnson with his Incendiary crew with more than trible the force in persuit of our men killed about 45 while retreating.
            And this applicant further declares, that it is out of his power to describe all and each trip or particular time, date &c.  No not one third of the various kind or trips performed.  After an Elaps of more than half a Century [?] described by the applicant, he further states that he was born in the Town of Palatine then County of Tryon, Colonie, now State of New York where he resided at the commencement for and during and ever since the Revolutionary War, and that he this applicant hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.  (Signed with his mark)  John Spraker
            Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.  Geo. D. Ferguson, Clerk

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