Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Albert VanDerWerkin, or VanDerWerken or VanDerWerker

State of New York
Onondaga County SS.
            On this twenty fourth day of April 1818, before me the subscriber, First Judge of the court of common Pleas, in and for the said county of Onondaga, personally appears Albert VanderWerken aged seventy one years, resident in the town of Salina in said county, who being by me first duly sworn, according to law, doth on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the provision made by the late act of Congress, entitled “An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the revolutionary war:”  That he the said Albert VanderWerken was also promoted a Lieutenant by Commission from the Continental Congress at Caughnawaga in the state of New York in February 1776 in the company commanded by Captain Robert McKean in Col. Wincoops regiment of the New York Line; that he continued to serve in the said corps, or in the service of the United States until the last day of December in the year 1776 when he was discharged from service in Johnstown in the State of New York.  That he was on the western frontiers of New York & was engaged in the [?] of Fort Stanwix on the Mohawk River 7 was never in any action with the enemy—that he has searched among his papers for his Commission but cannot find his Commission but has found the annexed part of the Muster Roll of said Company while he was a Lieutenant of the same and that he is in reduced circumstances, and stands in need of the assistance of his country for support; and that he has no other evidence now in his power of his said services.  (Signed) Albert VanDeWerkin
            Sworn to and declared before me, the day and year aforesaid.  Joshua Forman

State of New York
Onondaga Country SS.  Albert VanDeWerken within named being duly sworn saith that the annexed Commission is the Commission under which he served for the period mentioned in the within declaration by him & that he has lately discovered the same company his old writings & papers & further saith not.  (Signed)  AlbertVanDeWerkin.
            Subscribed & sworn this 18th day of January 1820, before me.  J. Forman, First Judge of Onond. Comm. Pleas.

State of New York
Onondaga County SS.
            On the thirty first day of May 1820, personally appeared in open court in the court of common pleas in and for the county of Onondaga, being a court of record proceeding according to the course of the common law, with a jurisdiction unlimited in point of amount, and keeping a record of their proceedings, Lieut. Albert Van De Werken aged seventy six years, resident in Salina in said county, who, being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath declare that he served in the Revolutionary War as follows: In Col. Cornelius D. Wyncoop’s Regt. com’d by Lt. Col. Cortland was a lieutenant in Capt. Robt. McKean’s company as will appear by his commission at the war office on which is founded by pension certificate N. 17310 and I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March, 1818; and that I have not since that time, by gift, sale, or in any manner, disposed of my property, and part thereof, with intent thereby so to diminish it, as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress, entitled “An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States, in the Revolutionary War,” passed on the 18th day of March, 1818; and that I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, any property or securities, contracts, or debts, due to me; nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed, and by me subscribed.
Landed property I have none personal property
1 penknife 3 pr. Spectacles 1 farriers knife $2.25
1 table 6 chairs 3 water pails  wash tub 2 barrells 4.00
2 bake kettles 24/small kettles 8/spiders 6/ 4.75
1 free tongs 8/1 pewter dish I platter & plate 2.37
4 knives 4 forks 7 iron spoons 4 plates small milk cup  .75
2 tea kettles earthen bowls 3 earthen milk pans 2.12 ½
6 bottles of several sizes 2 tumbles glass 1 small hand glass 1.12 ½
1 pepper box 1 salt seller 1 butter bowl 1 wooden ladle  .50
2 axe 24/old iron 2/1—1 pair afftalts? 1 pair andirons 2.50  2.50
2 candlesticks  .25                           .25
(Signed) Albt. J.V.D.Werken
            Sworn before me this 31 May 1822.  Nehemiah H. Earll Judge of Onon. Com. Pleas property valued at $14.62

Salina Sept. 11 [blot]
            Sir the assurance that Albert I. VanderWerken is on the pension list & receives pay under the late compensation act causes a general discontent amongst the old Soldiers & a belief that his conduct in the latter part of that war has not here made known—he after serving sometime as an officer deserted his country joined the enemy headed then Indian allys conducted them amongst our defence less frontier inhabitiants for to murder plunder and destroy, he was at the Massacre at Cherry Valley where all fell victim without distinction—my father was an officer in that war was made a prisoner by a band of torys commanded by Sir John Johnson they burnt and plundered his house conveyed him a prisoner to Canada, left his family entirely destitute of - - - he was well acquainted with V.D.W. and I have frequently heard him speak of V.D.W. as a tory—I am confident if he were alive he would not be silent whilst an old tory received a pension, as his son and by request of many old soldiers amongst whom were General Hosbrook & Col. Thomas Sammons I give this information he has him heart to boast his murders when amongst his tory friends, some of those statements perhaps an exaggerated as they are from common report but that he was a tory there is no doubt—now if under these circumstances he comes under the true meaning of the compensation act—I must be content—if not infor to Thomas Sammons my father’s brother who is acquainted with the affair.  Your Respfully John Sammons
To John C. Calhoun

War Department Pension Office Jan’y 20th 1832.
            Sir, In reply to your letter of the 12th inst. I have to inform you that the name of the person who exhibited the charge against Albert VanDerWorker cannot be made known without a violation of the rules of this Department.  I however enclose a copy of the paper containing the charge against him.  I have the honor to be &c.  [no signature]
To. Hon’ble Beardsly House of Rep’s

War Department—Pension Office
September 17, 1823.
Hon. A. Haring
Johnstown, New York
Sir:  In answer to your letter of the 8th inst., concerning the case of Albert VanderWerken (or VanderWerker), I have to inform you that the payment of his pension was stopt in September 1820 and remained suspended until November last, on account of information from Mr. John Sammons, who resides in Salina, in your neighborhood.  It will however, be suspended again in consequence of the affidavits you have forwarded.  The secy. of War is greatly obliged to you for the information you have communicated and, if agreeable to you, he would consider it a favor if you would take further testimony in the case.  VanderWerker has been directed to exhibit before you, and proof which he may be able to obtain.  Your opinion after hearing both sides would be desirable.---etc.  Very truly yours.  [letter unsigned]

Salina, New York.
      Sir:  From communications recently made to this Department, it appears that you deserted the service of the U.S. during the Revolutionary War and entered that of the British.  I have therefore, to inform you, that the further payment of your pension will be stopt, until you shall have disproved the charge against you, by satisfactory evidence.  Any testimony which you may be able to obtain in your defence, will be taken by Hon. Aaron Haring, of Johnstown, New York.  Very truly yours. [letter unsigned.]

The last two letters were typed and it is noted “old correspondence copied—ILL 1929-40.

Albany County SS.  Hon’l Abraham Romayne being duly sworn says that he was well acquainted with Lieut. Albert VanDeWerken in the Revolutionary War in County of Montgomery & the State of New York.  That he was on that frontier during the whole of the war and bore arms in all the alarms near Johnstown & at Cherry Valley that he did not during the said war hear the integrity or loyalty of the said Albert in the least impeached or any other faults as an officers attached to him except that his zeal for his country was supposed to lead him into indiscreet & harsh measure toward those who were tories or supposed to be disaffected that might be in his power and does not believe any report prejudicial to the Loyalty of the S’d Albert & further saith not.  Abm Romayne
      Sworn before me this 6th Feby 1822.  Philip Philps Alderman &c.

To the Honorable John C. Calhoun Esquire, Secretary of the War Department—
      Sir, Lieut. Albert Vandewerkin informs me that communications have been made to the War Department, charging him with desertion to the enemy in the time of the Revolutionary War.  A report was circulated here of the same kind three or four years since—the enclosed testimony was taken to repel the charge which however was not forwarded to the Office at Washington and it was obtained by our agency, & the Pension obtained at Washington by another agency & on other testimony.—The old gentlemen A.V. informed me that the enclosed is much of the same from part of that obtained from Col. Cannon of Cherry Valley & conveyed through the Hon. Samuel Campbell, late member from that District but more full & ample as he believes.  I am unacquainted with VanAlstine, but am informed & have no doubt that he resides in Camillus within less than two miles of Mr. Frothinghams before whose interrogatories were taken.  Mr. Frothingham I am well acquainted with.  He is a man of integrity & has every facility of obtaining correct information relation to the character of persons in that vicinity.  I am reliably informed that John Sammons who formerly made statement to the War Department against Lieut. VanDeWerkin, not long since said, that he had only heard a report & knew nothing of the charges against him & regretted that he had done anything to oppose the allowance of this person.  I am yours very respectfully, R. S. Orvis.  Salina NY Feb’y 10th 1824.
To Hon’l John C. Calhoun, Secretary of War.

Onondaga County SS.  Be it Remembered that on this seventh day of April 1821, personally appeared before me Darlin Thompson one of the Justices of the peace for said county George Edict of the town of Manlius in said county who being sworn upon the holy Evangelist of God says that he was under arms and served as a soldier every year during the War of the Revolution more or less—That he is acquainted with Albert VanDeWerker of Salina, and was acquainted with him in the Revolutionary [war] and that he was an officer in Capt. Seaver’s Company of merit & distinction and that this deponent did not during the whole of his acquaintance with the said Albert nor at any time after war was ended hear that he was disaffected to the government of the U.S. and this deponent says that  he has lived in Herkimer and near the Mohawk River since the time of his birth until within twelve hears last past except the time he was a prisoner and have frequently been at the house of the said Albert and never heart that the was friendly to the enemy until within a few years past and further says not.  (Signed) George Ittig
      Sworn this seventh day of April 1821, before me.  Darling Thompson J.P.

      Sir—I enclose some affidavits on the subject of the Pension of VanDeWerken they speak what at least 100 respectable others would say.
      One Vrooman living in this county about 7 miles from this a Companion of his I have heard mention the facts stated but probably will not volunteer his testimony & no one possesses power to compel him could I see him I would make the attempt.
      There are some Vermont Pensions in this County & wish to change their place of receiving pension from that agency to that of New York.  How is it to be done?  I have never seen any regulation on that subject.
      Altho I am from my situation in official standing compelled as it were to communicate of trouble the Department in come occasions I give it as little troubles maybe for & assure the Department that although my official standing does yield me opportunities of receiving ample compensation for those services, & no law prohibits it yet that all my services for those Revolutionary characters are gratis I decline their proffered pay.  Thus situated I never will be asking anything for any of them that my limited knowledge shall deem improper.  I shall if I can prevent the success of improper objects.  Respectfully, Aaron Haring.
Johnstown NY Sept. 8th 1823.

State of New York
Montgomery County SS.
      Myndert Vrooman of Johnstown in said County being duly sworn says that he was personally acquainted with Albert J. VanDewerker of Onondaga in said State previous to the Revolutionary War & since. That this deponent has been informed & believes it to be true that the said Albert has been placed on the Pension list of the United States, this deponent farther saith that the said Albert was a Lieutenant in the American forces in the commencement of the Revolution, that in the summer of 1778 the said Albert went to Canada and then joined the British forces, that came back in said year (the time as near as he can now recollect) that these facts he knows of his knowledge that he the said Albert kept after that time under British Protection until the conclusion of the war, that this deponent again saw him at Springfield under the protection of the Savages & at the time the Savages were ravaging and destroying Springfield.  That he the deponent again saw the said Albert in the year 1780 at Montreal in Canada. That this deponent & the said Albert both went to & joined the British at the same time, in 1778 as near as this deponent can state; that this party at Springfield was commanded by Brant the noted British Indian warrior of the Revolution.  (Signed) Myndert Vrooman.
      Subscribed & sworn to this 22nd September 1823 before me Aaron Haring First Judge of Montgomery [County].

Montgomery SS.  John Van Anterwerp being duly sworn says that he was acquainted with the above named Albert J. VanDeWerker before the Revolutionary War & since.  That he was in the commencement of it an officer in the American service that about the year 1778 he left that service & went to Canada & joined the British. That this deponent was a prisoner to the British at Montreal in the year 1780. That he this deponent saw the said Albert there walking about at large in the Streets that after the said Albert went to Canada he came back to this country and that frequently when the said Albert came to this Country.  The American parties went in pursuit of him in order to take him but he always made his escape & at one time so near were those parties to him that they fired at him missed him but killed a man in his company near him & this deponent helped to bury that man of the said Albert having fled & again made good his retreat.  (Signed with his mark)  John Van Antwerp.
      Subscribed & sworn to this 22nd day of September 1823 before me Aaron Haring, first Judge of Montgomery New York State.

State of New York
Montgomery County SS.
      William Wallace, Nicholas Stoner & James Williamson of Johnstown County & State aforesaid being duly sworn severally say that they severally were belonging to the Continental establishment of the Revolutionary Army of the United States, that they have been informed & verily believe it to be true that Albert J. VandeWerker of this State has been placed on the Pension list Roll of the New York Agency at the rate of twenty dollars per month. That these deponents were severally well acquainted with the said Albert during and in the said Revolutionary War and that the said Albert was at the Commencement of said war a Lieutenant in said State, that about the year 1779 the said Albert quit the American Standard and went to Canada to join & did join the British forces and Indians in the British service, that after his desertion to the British he with the British and Indians returned to this county (formerly Tryon County) to commit depredations upon the persons & property of the inhabitants of this County (his birthplace) and upon those friendly to the Independence of the United States; & was in the Company with the British forces & Savages assisting in the destruction of the inhabitants of their property with fire, sword, scalping, knife & Tomahawk, at the Mohawk River and Spring Field, and that he was also privately travelling by night this county & enlisting men for the British service in said war, that about the year 1782 the said Albert returned to this County and in this Town and at the Stone Gaol there yet standing surrendered himself a prisoner at war to Captain John Little the then Commandant of said Gaol which was kept as a fort for the purpose on this then frontier that the said John Little is now dead. That the said Nicholas for himself says that he did see him a prisoner there & within a year or eighteen months saw the said Albert & Little together in this Town and that they then in conversation on the subject did admit that he was such prisoner, but these deponents say as to the said Albert enlisting men & being with the British and in their depredations they did not personally see but was at that time & ever since so informed & never heard it contradicted.
      And this deponent Wallace says that he was present at the examination under Oath before a Justice of the Peace of Peter Quackenbush in the year 1779, who there swore that this same Albert VanDeWerken had killed & scalped one William Stansel & that the said Albert had shown the Pillow then produced yet bloody with the blood of the said Stansel & that this act was done while the said Albert was with the British & savages on an expedition against the Mohawk & Springfield settlements whose inhabitants were friendly to the United States that the said Quackenbush & the Justice before whom the examination was made are both dead, that information all these deponents did hear at the time and always since & never heard it doubted or disbelieved, and these deponents say that a man is yet residing in this town who was with the said VanDerWerker and from whom some of these deponents have heard the particulars as above related and many others of the atrocious acts of the said Albert in the said revolution.  (Signed)  N. Stoner, J.W. Williams, Wm. Wallace.
      Subscribed & sworn to this 5th day of September 1823 before me Aaron Haring First Judge of Montgomery County New York State.

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