Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Thomas V. Wood

            Thomas V. Wood of Orange Co. in the State of New York who was a private in the Comp commanded by Captain Wood of the Regt. commanded by Col Nichols in the New York line for 17 months.
            Inscribed on the Roll of New York at the rate of 56 Dollars 66 Cents per annum, to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831.
State of New York
Orange County ss.
            Personally appeared before me the undersigned a Justice of the peace, in and for the said County of Orange, Thomas V. Wood of Minisink in the said County, an applicant for a pension under the act of Congress of the 7th of June 1832, who being duly sworn, deposeth & saith, that by reason of old age and the consequent loss of memory, he cannot swear positively as to the precise length of his services: but according to the best of his recollection he served not less than the periods bellowing[sic] in the following grades, For five months in the year 1776 - for one year in the year 1778, which said services is set forth in my decleration, to which this affidavit is annexed, as for the three other services performed in Capt. David Swezy’s Company, Capt. George Thompson’s Company & Capt. John Wood’s Company, all of the said Companies in Col. Tusten’s Regiment, as at what particular periods of the war they were performed I am not certain, but perfectly recollect that it was after the year 1778 and I have the shogest [sic] confidence in my belief that I served with the before named Captains as a private for a term not less than eight months, and this deponant further saith he served with an embodied corps called into service by competent authority, that he was either in the field or in garrison, and for the time during which the service was performed, he was not employed in any civil pursuit, and further this deponant saith not.
            Sworn to, and subscribed before me this 4th day of June 1833.  (Signed) Thomas V Wood
James Finch Justice of the peace

State of New York
Orange County
            On this Third day of December 1832 personally appeared in open Court before the Judges of the court of common pleas in & for the said County of Orange, now sitting, Thomas V Wood, a resident of the Town of Minisink, Orange County & State of New York aged seventy nine seventy years, who being first duly sworn according to Law, doth on his Oath, make the following decleration, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress, passed June 7, 1832. That he entered the service of the United States, under the following named Officers, and served as herein stated - and the said Thomas V. Wood deposeth & saith that he entered the service of the United States, in the month of July or August, in the year 1776, as this deponant believes – inlisted in Capt. John Wood’s Company, Col. Nicolls’s Regiment, in Gen. George Clinton’s Division and that he served the term of five months, was stationed a part of the said term at Fort Montgomery on the Hudson river, a part of said term, at Kings bridge near New York, and the residue of the said term at White plains, where this deponant was discharged and this deponant further saith, that in the month of March, in the year 1778 (according to his best recollection) that he inlisted in Capt. Moses Hetfields Company, is not certain who commanded the Regiment, for one year, and served to the end of the said term of one year, was stationed a part of the said term on the fronteers in the settlements of Minisink and Peenpack in Orange County, and the residue of the said term at the Fortification at West point, on the Hudson river, where he was discharged. And this deponant further saith, that exclusive of the two campaigns before described, that he served at sundry times during the Revolutionary war, under Capt. David Swezy, Capt. George Thompson, Capt. John Wood and others on the fronteers of Orange and Ulster Counties, Ramipo, Fort Montgomery & other places, more than eight months, my services in the whole amounting to more than two years, and this deponant further saith that his name is not on the pension roll of any Agency in any State and he hereby relinquishes every claim to a pension except the present.  (Signed) Thomas V. Wood
            Sworn to and subscribed, the day and year aforesaid.  Asa Dunning Clerk

            The following interogations having been propounded to the before named Thomas V. Wood
            1st where and in what year was you born. Answer I was born in the Town of Goshen, Orange County and State of New York, in the year 1753.
            2nd have you any Record of your age. Answer none that I can obtain.
            3rd where were you living when called into service. Answer I was living in the Town of Goshen, Orange County; I have lived since the Revolutionary war in the Town of Goshen & Minisink, in Orange County and I now live in the said Town of Minisink
            4th How were you called into service. Answer in the two first campains campains, [sic] set forth in my decleration, I inlisted & served as principle, the various services which I performed in the Militia as mentioned in my decleration, I was called for the defence of my Country, with my fellow soldiers, by the proper authority.
            5th state the names of some of the regular Officers who were with the troops when you served. Answer, I have set forth and mentioned in my decleration, the names of the Captains & Cols. under which I have served, as [?]forth as my recollection serves and the general circumstances of my services
            6th did you ever receive a discharge from the service; Answer I never received a written discharge.
            7th state the names of persons to whom you are know[n] in your present Neighbourhood, and who can testify, as to your Charactor for Veracity, and the belief of your services as a soldier of the Revolution Answer James Finch Esqr. & Timothy Wood whos affidavits are hereunto attached.
The above & foregoing interogations were propounded by the Court to the before named Thomas V. Wood, and the Answers to the said interogations as recorded was given by the said Thomas V. Wood, the day & year aforesaid.

            We James Finch, a resident of the Town of Calhoun, and Timothy Wood a resident of the Town of Minisink both of the County of Orange, hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Thomas V. Wood, who has subscribed and sworn to the above decleration, that we believe him to be seventy nine years of age, that he is reputed & believed in the Neighbourhood where he resides, to have been a soldier of the Revolution, and we concur in that opinion, and the deponants further depose & say that the said Thomas V. Wood, is considered to be a man of truth & Veracity, and the said deponants further say that their is no Clergyman at present residing in the Congregation where the said Thomas V. Wood resides, and further say that we know of no Clergyman in the western part of this County, who has any personal knowledge of the Revolutionary war - they being young men, and the said Timothy Wood further deposeth and saith that he lived in the house with the said Thomas V. Wood during the Revolutionary war and knows that he served in the five months and the year service as mentioned in his decleration, and further saith that the said Thomas V. Wood served much in the Malitia during the Revolutionary war, he fully believes to the amout of eight months and he believes more
James Finch [&] Timothy Wood
            Sworn, and subscribed, the day and year aforesaid in open Court before me Asa Dunning Clerk

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