Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Dyer Woodworth

Conn. & New York
State of Indiana
Fayette County SS.
            In the Fayette Probate Court of the term of August AD 1832.
            Be it remembered that among the Records of the Fayette Probate Court is the following (to wit).
Matter of the application of Dyer Woodworth for a Pension.
            Be it remembered that heretofore to wit at a term of the probate Court of Fayette County in the State of Indiana Begun and held at the Court house in Connersville within and for the County aforesaid before the honorable Philip Mason Judge of said Court on the second Monday and thirteenth day of August in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two and continued from day to day before the honorable Judge aforesaid until [?] to third Juridical day of said term—then he came in to open court Dyer Woodworth a resident of the County of Fayette and makes and subscribes therein under oath the following written declaration in this his behalf SS. (to wit)
State of Indiana
Fayette County SS.
            On this fifteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two personally appeared in Open Court before the Probate Court of Fayette County now sitting Dyer Woodworth a resident of the County and State aforesaid aged seventy five years who first being duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the Benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
            That he entered into the United States Service under the following named officers and served as herein stated.
            That he enlisted in the town of Oblong in the State of New York in the Company commanded by Captain Increase Childs in the Regiment commanded by Col. Livingston (1) of the New York State Troops – in the Second year of the Revolutionary War, that he enlisted for one campaign and served for twelve months most of which time he worked in the Armory Shop under direction of Jacob Reeder, that he was at labour in shop when the Regiment to which he belonged was discharged, that they received their discharge at fourteen miles distance from the Shop and that he not being present at the disbandment of the Regiment Received no discharge in writing—that after his discharge he returned to Salisbury in the State of Connecticut where he was born, and—about a year thereafter he again enlisted in Salisbury for six months in the company commanded by Captain Ensign in the Connecticut State troops, which term of six months he served out and obtained a written discharge which is long since lost—The regimental and other officers of the troops to which he was attached he cannot now recollect—that he has no documentary evidence of his services and that he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his service.  The Court proposed unto the said Dyer Woodworth the following questions (to wit)—
            Quest first—When and what year were you born?
            Ans.  I was born in Salisbury in the State of Connecticut on the 20th day of November in the year 1757.—
            Second—have you any record of your age & if so where is it?
            Ans. I have none—the record of my age is in the family bible which is in the possession of my sister who when I last heard of her lived in Harpersfield in the State of New York.
            Third—Where were you living when called into service, where have you lived since the Revolutionary War and where do you now live?
            Ans. When I first entered the service I lived in the State of New York. Where I was an apprentice to a gun smith, and when I enlisted the second time I lived in Salisbury Connecticut.  Since the Revolution I have lived in Massachusetts & in the Town of Sheffield—in the State of New York in the county of Saratoga, from thence I removed into the Gennessee County in the State of New York, from thence I removed about 18 or 20 years ago into Franklin County Indiana where I resided until about nine months since, when I came into this County where I now reside.
            Fourth—how were you called into the service, were you drafted, did you volunteer, or were you a substitute & if a substitute for whom?
            Ans.  I at both times of entering the service enlisted.—
            Fifth, State the names of some of the Regular Officers who were with the troops where you served, such continental and militia regiments as you can recollect, and the general circumstances of your service.—
            Ans.  I cannot now recollect the names of any officers except those by whom I was commanded and General George & James Clinton, I do not now recollect any continental or militia regiments, as to my service the principal part of my fist term of service was as an armourer as before stated in the in the second term of service I marched from Salisbury in Connecticut to White Plains in New York and from thence to West Point in the same State where I was discharged and returned home—
            Sixth—did you ever receive a discharge from service & if so by whom was it given and what has become of it?
            Ans—I received no discharge of my first enlistment as before stated of my second I received one from my Captain Ensign but it has long since been lost—
            Seventh—State the names of the persons to whom you are known in your present neighbourhood & who can testify as to your character for veracity and their belief of your services as a soldier of the Revolution.—
            Ans.  I name Wilson Malcoms, Zimric Utta, Henry Van Dalson and your honor the Judge—
            And the said Dyer Woodworth hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.—
            Sworn to and Subscribed the day and year aforesaid attest.  (Signed) Dyer Woodworth.
William Caldwell Clk. F. C. P.C.
Letter dated March 29, 1932, replying to a letter of inquiry.
            The data furnished herein are obtained from the papers on file in the Revolutionary War claim for pension, S.17799, based upon the military service of Dyer Woodworth in that war.
            Dyer Woodworth was born November 20, 1757, in Salisbury, Connecticut.  His parents were living during the Revolution; their names are not given.
            While residing in Oblong, New York, he enlisted in February or March, 1776, in Captain Increase Child’s Company.  Colonel Livingston’s New York Regiment; shortly after entering the service, he was assigned to an armory located at a fort opposite West Point, where he worked for eleven or twelve months assisting in repairing arms under the direction of one Jacob Reeder.
            After his discharge from this service, he returned to his home in Salisbury, Connecticut, where he enlisted sometime in 1778, exact date not given, and served six months in Captain Ensign’s Connecticut Company.
            After the Revolution, he resided in Sheffield, Massachusetts, and in Saratoga County, New York; then moved, about 1810 or 1812, to Franklin County, Indians; thence to Fayette County, Indiana.
            He was allowed pension on his application executed August 15, 1832, while residing in Fayette County, Indians, where, he stated, he had then lived for about nine months.
            It is not stated that soldier was ever married.
            He referred to a sister who at one time lived in Harpersfield, New York, but did not give her name and there are no further family data.


End Notes—Dyer Woordowrth S.17799

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